• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • Tbh, I’m not sure how pervasive the idea that dogs are helpless furry children are. Sure people love to treat their pets that way, but it’s not like feral dogs don’t exist.

    I think they’re more domesticated than cats, sure, but you need to look no further than pitbull drama to see that they’re complex creatures and more than (submissive pets).

    As it applies to puppygirl posting, there’s very little it has to do with characteristics real dogs display. The traits and actions and interactions that are fun and make people feel good will naturally be what draws people to it. I’d imagine there’s people out there who like to roleplay dogs realistically but I honestly wouldn’t put that under the petplay umbrella.

    Sorry I don’t want to be argumentative! You’re definitely not wrong about what you’re talking about I’m just not sure if you were just talking about neat stuff that’s loosely related or were saying something about puppygirl values so I thought I’d vomit some words onto the internet and pretend they have value

  • That’s a fun question, and kind of depends on how you see it. If you’re going by “standing on and reading a scale in Earth’s atmosphere”, I believe the scale would read ever so slightly less. However, this is kind of mixing up weight and how we measure weight. Helium still has mass, it’s not negative mass, it still is affected by gravity and gets pulled down by it like everything else. It’s just that it’s less dense than other gasses in the atmosphere, and so the buoyancy overpowers gravity and it floats. So, you with deflated lungs actually weigh less than you with lungs inflated with helium, even if that’s not what the scale reads!

  • Tbh I’d imagine the best way is to do it on yourself first to get it figured out. I’ve never heard of resources on sexually biting, though that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t exist, just that the weird online lewd circles I have don’t overlap with that. If you wanted to try it without risk of injuring yourself either, I know pigs are generally used for human analogs in a bunch of experimental applications – maybe try getting some pork with the skin on from a butcher or something?

    Personally, I wouldn’t be comfortable biting someone that hard, it might take a surprising amount of force and this could just be a non-issue. It’s probably something you two will have to figure out when trying it, they might not be comfortable being bitten hard enough to bruise. It does sound hot, but I doubt I’d actually be able to handle being bitten that hard. Ofc I don’t know what you two are comfortable with, just thought I’d mention the possibility.

    I’ve assumed this is sexual, apologies if it isn’t, that’s just where my mind went. Not that it matters one way or the other.