The idea that the Palestinian people have only been able to persist because of their religion is ridiculous to me. They are resisting because colonialism, apartheid and genocide are very bad things to which nobody would want to be subjected, not because of Islam. If Palestinians were atheists, is he suggesting that they wouldn’t have the strength or the will to resist? Would their lack of a belief in the supernatural turn them into doormats for Isn’treal?

I like Hakim’s content, but his position on religion is quite frustrating. He is a Muslim first and a Marxist second. Also, Joram van Klaveren is still a right-winger.

    11 months ago

    A few comments from the original Hexbear thread come to mind

    1. “guy named Hakim from Iraq is Muslim, white people are shocked and appalled”

    2. In speaking about religion in HAMAS and other resistance groups. “I for one am shocked that members of the Islamic Resistance Movement find value in an Islamic text.”

    Like seriously? We have people in this thread bringing into question The Deprogram crew for… having a member be religious? Also because they interviewed people that aren’t explicitly MLs? These guys that have done more to bring communist theory to more people than this entire instance. Lol stop acting like fucking ultras or whatever. I mean really? You all need to get a grip. Furthermore, expecting them to BE infallible while also complaining they act like the ARE infallible and the attacking them for that too? Please. Coming off like a bunch of wreckers. These guys have never claimed or acted like they are the gods of communism. They get on, discuss what they know, and give their opinions. Those opinions can be not always on point,and not always what you want to hear. It’s your own deal if you expect them to be perfect then get pissed when they aren’t.

    A man can be both religious and a communist. He can also have a disagreeable point while having good intentions. And most importantly he can have flaws and still be an extremely important and beneficial person to the cause. The man is religious. He shares this religion with most of the people currently undergoing a fucking genocide. He probably feels more empathy towards them then most westerners do to their fucking next door neighbors. My heart burns for the Palestinians, I can only imagine how he must be feeling. Man probably understands the Palestinian culture and religions better than any of you. But please, tell me how you all, as non Muslims, probably white ass westerners, know so much better. I for one, am a white as westerner. Yet I am capable of at least understanding where he is coming from, even maybe disagreeing with him, without also attacking him as rabidly, and disgustingly, as some of you all have.

    Honestly, after reading some of the gross over reactions and ridiculous attacks from this thread, I am legitimately ashamed of some of you. Like legitimately. Ashamed. Downvote me and attack me for saying so if it makes you feel better. That’s fine. After some of the absurdity I have seen here I’ll be happy to add some blocks to my list.

    • Munrock ☭
      11 months ago

      Yeah it’s definitely disappointing.

      The irony in some of these comments castigating him for supposedly not being marxist, and doing so by applying the most dogmatic, context-free invective.

    • lckdscl [they/them]
      11 months ago

      People: want to learn more about Islam, ask for more reading materials on this topic.

      Hakim: shares them, indicating that’s what he personally read, with some source criticism.

      People: refuse to read them and treat a youtube comment to be a Marxist analysis ripe for critique.

      And to those who took issue with him being an “educator” and thus shouldn’t do this: He’s a minor e-celeb who makes videos, he’s still a real person with his own worldview, just like the rest of us. He’s not saying this is how Marxists should think, he’s just sharing some books to better understand the context from his own point of view.

  • DankZedong
    11 months ago

    I don’t agree with what Hakim said but it’s not like he’s the grand Oracle of communist theory. He’s a young guy who grew up in a war torn country in which more than a million of his fellow countrypeople have been massacred by the west. A country that is geographically much closer to an ongoing genocide than the western country I am in right now.

    Of course religion isn’t the main thing driving the Palestinians forward right now. But it probably plays an important role in a Muslim Majority country.

    What bugs me, though, is that many western communist nearly start foaming at the mouth the moment religion gets brought up, especially in combination with communism. Meanwhile we have actual religious majority countries being AES or resisting imperialism and it feels highly chauvinistic to discredit their struggle purely because they are religious. Once the first perfect atheist western revolution without violence and possible reactionary takes happens, we’ll see. But my money is that our own revolutions, of they ever happen, will be far from ‘perfect’ as well.

      11 months ago

      What bugs me, though, is that many western communist nearly start foaming at the mouth the moment religion gets brought up

      Yes, that’s the core of the issue. Comrades, you can think whatever you want on this subject but in practice we need to be as understanding as possible because a lot of people who most want to see imperialism burn are muslim. This alliance is necessary and we won’t win anything by trying to impose atheism. Materialism is a tool, it doesn’t have to be a core belief that defines your whole being.

      11 months ago

      What bugs me is OPs account is 8 months old with virtually zero activity then shows up with a pretty controversial struggle session where they are repeatedly attacking one of the more popular communist influencers.

    11 months ago

    [Long post ahead]

    Frankly, I was a bit confused at first at the responses to Hakim’s supposed misdeed. I saw practically nothing wrong with his post.

    This is speaking as someone who considers themself “ex-muslim” and rarely practices any of the daily rituals of being muslim.

    I have read through both the Hexbear thread and this one here on Lemmygrad. Firstly, I would like to say I agree with Aru’s comment on the other parallel thread running right now.

    I’d like to address some of the contentions people have about the post. Hakim starts his post with this statement:

    How do the Palestinian people persist? As muslims…

    Not because they ARE muslims, as in, Islam was the only way in which they were able to carry out anti-colonial struggle, but rather they carry out the anti-colonial struggle through BEING muslim. Islam in this context is a material force, precisely because it is imbedded in the people - the colonized and the working classes, in their decision-making and power. It becomes entrenched in the material base.

    It is in the masjid where muslims congregate and form communal bonds. It is in the masjid where people recieve their political and cultural education. It is the masjid that organizes the local community. It is in the masjid grounds in which people partake in the political economy.

    To say that if Palestine was fully christian or any other “religion”, they would still reject colonization, misses the point. It doesn’t matter about some hypotheticals that you concoct in your head. That’s as useful as saying that if China was 100% Christian they would still be communist - what is the point in engaging in idealist hypotheticals? To simply compare it to Christianity, is idealism. Because you are not comparing the reality in which these cultural traditions, epistemologies, and beliefs operate. You are comparing one idea to another, utterly deaf to the material context behind it. The material reality of the ummah, the material reality of Palestine, means that Islam is the force in which anti-imperialist and anti-colonialism is carried out.

    So yes, perhaps for many muslims, the Quran, the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) becomes the starting point of their political conciousness, and to somehow call it immature, backward, or a type of “false consciousness”, is to fall into the orientalist idealist tropes of the days of direct colonization.

    Throughout the entire Islamic world we have seen numerous secular and communist organizations that directly collaborated with the colonizer, that never gained support from the muslim masses and that also had to face a visceral reactionary force funded by the West. To say that secular movements only failed in the Islamic world because they were being pitted against reactionary Western-funded movements ignores the fact that if these secular movements truly had the mandate of the people - truly did listen to the working masses, they would have succeeded in maintaining power in the first place.

    To act like this analysis is somehow “idealism”, when it is actually idealism to ignore history and material conditions in favour of a dogmatic secular understanding of class warfare.

    Why is it when state secularism and athiesm is mentioned, we only mention those in AES, like the conditions of the ummah is somehow exactly one-on-one the same as that of China or the USSR? Why doesn’t anyone ever mention about the beacon of liberal modernity and secularism - France - in which if you ask anyone in the ummah what they think about it, they would vehemently reject associating with that Islamophobic “secular” state. Why is it immediately assumed that when someones says they want an Islamic country, it is immediately assumed they want a monoreligious populace with forced conversions on heretics and heathens? Why is it assumed when we say something is Islamic, it means that it cannot involve people of other faiths (or lack thereof)?

    In my eyes, the answer is simple. It is because the Western left still carries the mental burden of colonization, of cultural genocide, and they project it onto the global south - onto the ummah.

    Are we suppose to ignore the Islamic influence of for example Southeast Asian foreign policy, Arab nationalism, or North African decolonization? How about the Islamic Axis of Resistance pushing back against the Zionist Entity and other US imperial projects in West Asia? Islamic socialism and Islam has been, and continues to be, materially closer to anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism and communism than Western Marxism could ever even dream about (that is - if they even recognize imperialism). Islam is the form that the anti-imperialist essence of the ummah takes.

    Is it the “muh slems” that are idealistic, or is it the Western’s left misunderstanding of the “unity of opposites”? If you can only percieve reality in absolutes, in black-and-white, then “religion” is always “immaterial”; that means you will be unable to identify your friends from your enemies and it also means you will never understand Islam and the ummah.

      11 months ago

      The first time I read this comment, I started to write a reply but then realized that I’m not totally sure what you mean in some places, and I figured it would be better to ask than just assume.

      Islam in this context is a material force, precisely because it is imbedded in the people - the colonized and the working classes, in their decision-making and power. It becomes entrenched in the material base.

      What do you have in mind with the notion of ‘entrenchment’ here?

      It is in the masjid where muslims congregate and form communal bonds. It is in the masjid where people recieve their political and cultural education.

      How does this distinguish the masjid from superstructural institutions generally, like schools or mass media?

      It is in the masjid grounds in which people partake in the political economy.

      What does this mean? That the masjid is an employer? That it’s a marketplace? Or just that it carries out the functions of the state in Islamic societies?

      Why is it when state secularism and athiesm is mentioned, we only mention those in AES, like the conditions of the ummah is somehow exactly one-on-one the same as that of China or the USSR?

      To be clear here, ‘the’ ummah extends to everywhere Islam is believed or practiced? Or does it mean instead something more like ‘Muslim countries’?

      Islam is the form that the anti-imperialist essence of the ummah takes.

      To make sure I understand what you mean here, Is this a fair (equivalent) restatement or does it miss some things?

      in the ummah, anti-imperialism takes the form of Islam

        10 months ago

        I don’t know if Islam is a material force per se, because it is a super-structural phenomena. But looking at it from the Palestinians perspective, materially, the Christian Zionists and the Jewish Zionists are colonizing them materially. However there are Palestinians that are not Muslim. There are Palestinians that are Jewish or Christian that are subjected to the same horrors as the Muslims.

        However it seems that if the Islamic countries united under one banner geopolitically, ban foreign capital from influencing them, that would materially undermine imperialism. Quadaffi tried to do something like this and we’ll see if someone there can manage to do this again. Just make sure that if one develops nukes, keep them to protect your people.

    11 months ago

    When i first saw this i instinctively sided Roderic Day (refer to hexbear struggle session), but increasingly I’ve come to the conclusion that Hakim is not in fact proselytizing, he is simply answering the questions of people who came to their Muslim comrade with questions about Islam.

    • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
      11 months ago

      Whenever I talk about Islam to Marxists or Marxism to Muslims, I get the exact same reaction from both sides, instantly shutting down the other by calling them “Idealist” or “Kaffir” and not take any time to understand each other, like at most they’ll read the Quran or they’ll read the communist manifesto, not take time to understand it and call it a day, which I understand because not everyone has the time to read a book so long and repetitive let alone understand every bit of it, that’s the point of having a conversation and asking questions, but you can’t write off everything in you way and label it as “big bad” for having a word that you don’t like, that’s just ignorance.

  • PeeOnYou [he/him]
    11 months ago

    this was already posted before but i don’t think you can discount the role religion plays in giving people a source of hope and strength where there otherwise isn’t any. Maybe you could do the same thing another way, but I’m at a loss as to how. We all know that religion plays a large part in the lives of a large portion of the world population.

    It’s obviously not the a ONLY reason they fight back but it doesn’t hurt the cause at all imo.

    • smrtfasizmu@lemmygrad.mlOP
      11 months ago

      But isn’t religion a source of false consolation? The real consolation would of course be the improvement of material conditions.

      It certainly helps people cope with day to day life under capitalism, but eventually it needs to go.

        11 months ago

        Isn’t hakim’s argument that religion helps people keep fighting for better material conditions because they can bare the struggle better?

          11 months ago

          That is still poor analysis. People can have religion, but to chalk up a people’s survival to it is absurd and horrifically bad material analysis.

            11 months ago

            It’s better analysis than dogmatically repeating “isn’t religion opium of the people? It dumbs them down, makes them complacent,” even when that’s clearly not what’s happening in this situation.

              11 months ago

              Where did I ever say it dumbs people down and makes them complacent. Especially not in this situation.

              That’s what religion has historically been used for, making it a powder keg of a belief to rely on without any sort of critical analysis.

              If you’re going to get hostile at least don’t shove words in my mouth.

                  11 months ago

                  No, you replied to me. As in directly to me.

                  I apologize if that’s an accident, but you did response directly to my comment.

        11 months ago

        I think in cases where religious institutions are actively organizing and encouraging people to engage in struggle, political or armed, to change their circumstances, it doesn’t make much sense to call it false consolation.

        Even when religions assert a kind of cosmic justice outside the scope of individual earthly lives, it’s not always true that religion serves mainly to console, even in matters of personal psychology and belief. Christianity certainly falls into that pattern, but John Brown was not as consoled by the prospect that justice would be achieved in the afterlife as he was convicted by his religious morality that the earthly evil he saw in slavery had to be combatted by all means available, immediately.

        I do think that desperate situations drive people to religious belief as a way of upholding the just world hypothesis in the face of powerful cognitive dissonance. But that’s just one factor among many in promoting religious belief, and as a general tendency, it doesn’t necessarily address what religion inspires or motivates people to do in particular circumstances.

      11 months ago

      Through a collection of a peoples wills and faith in their country, people, and survival? Literally what the Soviet Union did during WW2? Very few Soviets thought that God would save them. They knew that their own collective strength would save them.

      This belief gave them hope.

      • PeeOnYou [he/him]
        11 months ago

        but for every group that did it without religion, how many relied on religion, or worse didn’t come together to believe in themselves?

          11 months ago

          Can you give examples? That’s just an open ended hypothetical that no one can answer. I really don’t get what your argument is here.

          Don’t forget that faith has been used as a tool of oppression and placed at the height of state, the entire “Opiod of the masses” spiel. Of course people will turn to it if that’s all they know… many wouldn’t if they knew the alternatives.

          • PeeOnYou [he/him]
            11 months ago

            I can’t, I hoped there might be some well known examples that I overlooked. Maybe there aren’t many or even any, but over human history it’s probable that it has happened.

    11 months ago

    To attribute the enduring will of Palestinians to struggle for their freedom solely to their religion is reductive. Of course objective circumstances and material interests are major factors too. But at the same time we should not discount the role that faith and cultural values play in inspiring courage, resilience and faith in victory. Even though these are immaterial factors they are nonetheless real. Religion is of course not the only thing which can fulfil this role, and people can be motivated to endure great suffering and commit selfless acts of sacrifice for the struggle by many different things. Revolutionary fervor, the belief in fighting for a better future, plays a big role in every liberation movement. The impact of morale in a war should not be underestimated.

    That being said, it’s probably not a good idea to proselytize your own faith (or lack thereof) to others in the struggle, it creates needless friction when we should accept for now that we each have different reasons why we fight and what matters is that we fight for the same goal.

    11 months ago

    I’ve been reading all the replies in this thread and feel like I am missing something. As far as I can tell, the only thing Hakim is saying, is that it is important to consider Islamic influence on current Palestinian struggle. Not that the only reason the people are fighting is because of Islam, or that Islam is any way better for liberation of colonized people.

    I wouldn’t be even surprised if Islam is actually more prone to anti-colonial struggle than other religions, but I don’t know enough about it to make such claims. But more importantly, I don’t see anything that says that struggle for Palestinian liberation is something that is possible only thanks to Islam.

    Religious text can have huge influence even in completely irreligious populations (in this case, people who identify as atheist). For example, my country is one of the most irreligious in the world. But (in my opinion unfortunately) many of our customs, laws, world view, etc. are in some ways derived from the Bible. So it would be fair to say that to understand my country, it might be a good idea to read the Bible.

    Which I would say is basically what Hakim is saying here. If you want to have better understanding of current Palestinian fight for liberation, it is useful to have knowledge of Islam. Which I would say is a completely fair statement. Especially considering how demonized Muslims are in western countries.

    I am happy to be corrected, but I just cannot see what people are complaining about in this post.

      11 months ago

      As far as I can tell, the only thing Hakim is saying, is that it is important to consider Islamic influence on current Palestinian struggle.

      But he isn’t saying this, he’s saying that it’s religion that’s driving the anti-colonial struggle.

      their unshakable faith, which drives their anti-colonial struggle.

      And then he proceeds to give a list of religious texts to read in order for us to learn about the persistence of Palestinian resistance.

      This is a blatantly idealist analysis of the situation in Palestine. Again, no one is saying we need to ignore or even actively reject the influence of religion to the struggle, but it’s simply not correct that religion is driving the struggle. He offers no materialist analysis and no sources to learn about settler-colonialism or the history of Palestine and its resistance.

      The problem with this is that he positions himself as a Marxist educator, but in this post he’s being an idealist.

      He also says this is the “largest missing context” in regards to the Palestinian struggle, but that’s also not true. A lot more people are thinking about this in religious terms, than as an anti-colonial struggle against zionist settler-colonialism and the wider context of western imperialism - which it is in reality.

      You claim he’s just trying to highlight Islamic influence on the current struggle, but his wording is not consistent with this. His post is idealist and not materialist.

      For your take of the post to be true we would have to assume his intentions and say he didn’t communicate clearly enough. If we just read what he wrote, it cannot be considered something a Marxist-Leninist educator should be saying.

      I agree that many western countries have a christian culture, but would reading the bible really help you understand our modern society, especially more than reading some Marxist theory?

      It just feels like you and almost everyone else defending Hakim’s post are trying to find a meaning in his words that just isn’t there if you read them directly, a meaning that you find acceptable and compatible with Marxism, but not one that can be read from the actual words he used.

        11 months ago

        I agree he strays a bit into idealist territory, and dangerously towards saying that this is a mostly religious based conflict. However, it would be false to suggest he is ignoring other dimensions of it like material analysis of colonialism. Most people who would come upon his community post would likely be aware of his recent video entitled ‘everything you need to know about Palestine.’ If hakim things religion is primary, why does it not take up much of his video about ”everything you need to know?” It’s clear in his post that he has received many messages specifically about Islam, so he took the opportunity to share these books.

    11 months ago

    You know, for a man that’s so well read I have a feeling he hasn’t really touched much ex-muslim writings. That said I wouldn’t have written a word had I not seen so many defending him.

    I’m not being an edgy anti-theist. I know that any attempt to actively dissuade people of their religion is futile at best and often malicious. The issue is that he’s precribing something that’s not possible to reasonably back up.

    If his analysis is that Islam is more conducive to a liberation struggle, he should say so. It’d be easy to debunk mind you; liberation struggles, marxist and non-marxist, happen all over the world. West Asia isn’t close to being unique in this regard. Desire for liberty is quite inherent to all peoples of the world and fighting against subjugation doesn’t become something else done for different reasons because the people doing the fighting are attributing their struggle to something else.

    I feel this might not be quite clear, so I’ll try to elaborate. A people may struggle and they may attribute their will to fight to their God, their patriotism, or something else they believe in. This doesn’t make it true. If it were, we’d see a clear distinction between peoples of different religions or cultures, yet we don’t. People struggle whether they believe in Allah, Buddha or Wakan Tanka. What we do see is that people in similar material conditions react in similar ways. A people under siege, kicked from their homes, treated with disdain and contempt will fight back. Many, of different cultures and religions have. From this it should be easy to conclude that the initial claim would be chauvinistic, even if one isn’t impuning other beliefs.

    I’m thinking how one would write that and make those recommendations without a hint of chauvinism, I can’t really think of a way. He recommends books quite similar to books my haji grandfather gave me to read. He thought Islam was correct and that by reading, I’d come to the same conclusions and my faith would be stronger for it. It backfired spectacularly, but that’s not my point. He wasn’t trying to proselytise, in his mind he was doing no more than give a kid the tools he needed to find the truth. His best intentions didn’t make him less chauvinistic, and they wouldn’t Hakim. It doesn’t make them bad people, but it means their approach doesn’t have a sound material basis.

    Edit: I deleted the last part because it wasn’t helpful. I don’t begrudge people fighting for their lives their religion, if that’s what gets them through, all the power to them. All I’m saying is that these people aren’t holding onto religion because it gives them their will, it gives them their will because they’re believers holding onto it. Reading the life of the Prophet doesn’t inform the readers as would the words of Ho Chi Minh or the history of Palestine, which is why I took issue with the post and its defenders.

    I feel like an old man, I’m still having trouble with this website, pressing reply insread of edit.

    11 months ago

    This is straight up proselitysm. From supposed ML to people he is trying to expose to ML. Wew.

    He is a Muslim first and a Marxist second.

    How do i put it… it cast shadow of doubt on his materialist analysis, since he clearly is not a consistent materialist.

    Also his recent content is pretty disappointing, instead of even reuploading his old videos which were pretty useful he’s doing debunks of random wackjobs.

        11 months ago

        Looking at the OP, he’s got kinda problem with that too, now. And even reading and sharing will necessarily be filtered through his brain.

          11 months ago

          Sure, but it looks like he is reading Islamic works and sharing information from them. I wonder how familiar he is with anti-theist arguments and works.

            11 months ago

            He would have to be, at least a little bit. He is extremely well read on Stalins early works and Lenin’s later works, both of which touch on the topic of secularism, atheism, and the role of religion and society.

            So at least by proxy he must have some understanding.

    11 months ago

    Plural thinking is not easy to do but Hakim is an intelligent person. That people are always looking to police each other over things like this is so tiring. If we can’t stand with Muslims right now when it’s basically 2001 all over again then we leave no choice but for people like Hakim to look at us and realize the truth, “they are who we thought they were.”

    He is a Muslim first and a Marxist second.

    You’re goddamn right. Islam is racialized. He has no choice, especially when Marxists won’t even give him respectful breathing room.

  • Munrock ☭
    11 months ago

    I like Hakim’s content, but

    You know you can take this up with him directly, right? If you know his content well enough to first say that you like it, and second claim with confidence that he’s a “Muslim first and a Marxist second,” you must have heard more than once that his DMs are open.

    Why here? He doesn’t even participate here. The [email protected] community even states in its description that this place is for directly challenging one another, and yet this post is challenging a specific individual who isn’t present.

    What purpose is served by posting this criticism here, that isn’t better served by posting it directly to the accused?

      11 months ago

      OPs account is 8 months old and up until this post they had only 3 other posts and virtually no comments. For 8 months. Now all of a sudden 95% of their activity is to start a pretty controversial struggle session in two instances. I am always suspect of accounts like this an those that jump on board almost instantly.

      • smrtfasizmu@lemmygrad.mlOP
        11 months ago

        What are you implying here? I barely had any posts because I don’t come on here very often and when I do, I mostly lurk. I merely wanted people’s opinions and I posted on the appropriate instance. What’s the problem?

      11 months ago

      Because that’s the purpose of this sub? The side bar even explicitly mentions that hostility and criticism is accepted. Is Hakim not a leftist? Is this not “Leftist infighting”?

      This could be a bot troll, but the post is completely within the limits of what’s allowed here.

    11 months ago

    One of the biggest flaws of failed socialisms were the strong antireligious undertones. As it stands now the Palestinians are facing a literal genocide, so coalescing around a shared identity (yes, even one you may not agree with) is going to be strong force of anti-imperialism.

    You should analyze your own prospective and ask if your prejudices come from material reality, or just unchecked reactionary sentiment.

      11 months ago

      Anti-clerical (or outright suppressive policies) have been a real problem for some socialist regimes. But policies that suppress religious institutions or practices aren’t a matter of undertones.

    11 months ago

    it’s simply one person’s thought. Hakim isn’t trying to convert anyone, he’s giving book recommendations for those who are interested in learning about Islam, which prompted his post, it’s not mandatory reading. I don’t mean to sound mean or anything, I mean this in a constructive manner, I don’t think anything good comes from criticizing Hakim for recommending reading related to his faith, if he had a post saying that non-muslims are bad people that’s another story. I can’t imagine why people are upset about this because I’ve seen a number of twitter posts about the “implications” of Hakim’s community post, as if it was meant to be confrontational when it was clearly intended to be informative to those who are curious. If you aren’t, then you can keep scrolling. I genuinely apologize if this came off as rude, but I quite enjoyed his recommendations

  • 小莱卡
    11 months ago

    lol u are late to the struggle session. Most of the discussion happened in a hexbear post.

    11 months ago

    In pretty much every post here and on hexbear that’s defending Hakim’s post I see at least one of a few assumptions taken as true which aren’t.

    Firstly, no one here is criticizing the Palestinian resistance and the forms it takes. We’re criticizing Hakim’s post. Hakim has positioned himself as a Marxist educator and taken on the role of spreading ML theory. With this come some responsibilities, namely to share actual Marxist analysis. When he departs from this, he’ll get rightly criticized for it.

    He can be religious and do what he wants. No one is criticizing the fact that he’s religious. We’re criticizing the fact that he brands himself a Marxist educator with Lenin as his picture and then shares idealist analysis like in this post.

    Secondly, that his analysis is not idealist, when it really is. This has nothing to do with Islam specifically, it would be true of any religion, but stating that a religion is what’s driving resistance is simply idealist. As Marxists we know that it’s the material conditions that are the primary drivers of both the zionist settler-colonialism and Palestinian resistance. We, of course, don’t neglect the superstructural aspects, with ideology and religion among them, but we don’t make them the primary drivers of resistance. We begin with the material.

    There have been similar resistance movements throughout history, some religious and some not which have persisted just like the Palestinian movement. As Marxists we understand why that is, and that, while in each particular case the particular ideology had an impact, ideology as such is not the driving force behind revolution.

    As Amílcar Cabral said

    always bear in mind that people are not fighting for ideas, for things in anyone’s head. They are fighting to win material benefits, to live better lives and in peace, to see their lives go forward, to guarantee the future of their children.

    What we (Marxists-Leninists) should be spreading are works through which you can learn about settler-colonialism and resistance to it in general, and works about the specific conditions of Palestine. No one’s even saying we should totally ignore religion, but it cannot form the basis of our analysis, and we cannot center it above the material.

    An example of a better (in my opinion) post about Palestinian resistance right now is this thread by Roderic Day.

    Also, as Marxists, critique is what we do. No one is beyond critique, and especially not our fellow comrades. Such critique and discussion is how we arrive at correct theory (and practice) and consolidate around it.