• 422 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022

  • It’s war. There’s going to be death and destruction. Everyone who supports the resistance must steel themselves and understand that there will be sacrifices and suffering, and that the struggle will be long. But it is also important to remember that Palestine and Lebanon are only part of the larger axis of Resistance. The Great Satan could not even subjugate Afghanistan, so their pet neocolony certainly has no chance of subjugating the entire region. They will never again know peace no matter how many innocents they murder.

    Finally, those of us who do not live there should not presume to know better than those who have been involved in this struggle for decades what strategy they should employ and how or when they should respond. They are not stupid and they are not blind, they understand at least as well as we do the enemy they are facing.

  • I just want to say i really appreciate the quality of this discussion and i think very good arguments have been made by both sides, many of which also reflect my thoughts on this matter.

    they can’t fully block them without attacking China/Russia which would be considered an act of war

    I think this is the essential point here. This is the crucial difference between the old sea routes, where other countries control passage, and this one. Blocking the former would require much less escalation.

    Other factors to mention are Russia’s growing superiority in the arctic (US has nothing to rival Russia’s modern nuclear icebreakers), and the capability of shore based hypersonic missiles to interdict a conventional naval presence. The US really only has two options here which is submarines or air sorties from Alaska, both of which involve serious risk of starting a nuclear war…and that’s a threshold I’m not sure the US is willing to cross yet.

  • This is actually really great! While China’s rapid economic development has been immensely positive it also came with a few downsides and one of those has been the tendency for the population from rural areas to migrate to the cities, leaving the former with a weakened economic base as well as a relative lack of development and investment, and the latter with all the various challenges and issues that come with overcrowding. If initiatives like this can help heal some of that imbalance it will be a major win for China and for the overall quality of life of its people in both types of regions.

  • I have no doubt that if the tables flip, and Rumble becomes big and mainstream enough to start getting pressure from the US government and corporate sponsors, this will probably all change

    That’s probably how it will go. Then a new Rumble will appear and so on. The last resort of the imperialists will be to censor the internet right at the provider level, which will leave the imperial core (“the West”) in an information bubble increasingly detached from reality.

  • Ultimately it is going to be inevitable that communists migrate to alternative platforms because the mainstream ones are just going to escalate their crack downs on anti-imperialist content. Branding these alternative platforms as “right wing platforms” is not going to help us in the long run. It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy as leftists will avoid them and these places will become more and more right wing echochambers. Meanwhile, everyone who remains dependent on the mainstream platforms will be forced to increasingly self-censor out of fear of getting banned.

    The best thing to do is to establish a presence on these alternative platforms sooner rather than than later so that when the ban on the mainstream spaces does come we will be ready and will not be starting from zero.

  • In principle i think it can be ok to share articles like this, but you have to have the right target audience. Obviously this is not appropriate for everyone, and in particular you should vet pieces carefully before sharing them with people who are less politically mature and not as experienced at parsing out what is factual and good analysis vs what is right wing nonsense. Here on lemmygrad i trust people to know how to do that, and i think communists need to draw from a wide range of sources to be as informed as possible. That wouldn’t be the case with more politically casual friends and acquaintances who i wouldn’t necessarily trust to not fall for right wing talking points.

  • Maybe we’re all missing something but it really seems to me like there is very little reason for this feud apart from personal animosity. Policy wise they seem to be on the same page, at least in general terms, and as your research indicates there doesn’t seem to have been any big change in the overall situation such that you could say the new government is doing a worse job.