Another sitrep collating the latest news. Nothing you wouldn’t already know about if you have been following the news closely, but it’s useful to have the most relevant new developments all gathered into one place.

The most interesting, as usual, is not so much what is happening in Ukraine, where Russia continues to dismantle the “mother of all proxy armies” in a cool and methodical manner, nor is it the Saudi related rumor referenced in the title, but rather the mounting evidence of deliberate and accelerating dedollarization in BRICS+, and increasing desperation on the part of the collective West as it loses the financial and economic war.

Also, Dmitry Medvedev has yet again escalated his “bad cop” rhetoric to another level, which i personally find very entertaining.

  • ☭ Blursty ☭
    4 months ago

    This is very interesting, if long, I recommend taking the time to read it because it’s probably another inflection point in global affairs.