
He/him. Chinese born, Canadian citizen. University student studying environmental science, hobbyist programmer. Marxist-Leninist.

  • 65 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2020


  • Personally, I think she shouldn’t be on YouTube for a completely different reason. The internet is actually unsafe for children that young and there are a lot of disgusting pervs on YouTube. You’re not supposed to be on social media till you’re 13, and I think even that is too young, a safer age is probably 15 or 16.

    And as we’ve seen here, if you’re from a country the west hates, you’re a target. Even if you’re a child. Not against people in the DPRK posting to YouTube, obviously, but for their safety it should be limited to full adults only.

  • What’s also ironic is that they always say how violent Squirrel and Hedgehog is, and how it uses the trope of objective good vs objective evil, and the good guys always pull through. While conveniently not mentioning that Japanese anime from the same era has a similar level of violence (you know, the country right next to the DPRK and has quite a bit of cultural overlap?), or the fact that literally every kid show ever has the exact same simplified good vs evil message? The cartoon doesn’t even mention any real countries! It’s in a 100% fictional, fantasy setting!

    Also, if you’re going into college level literary analysis to draw comparisons between a cartoon for children and real life politics (like, young children, not high schoolers or some age where you’d actually expect them to understand real politics), aren’t you basically saying that children in the DPRK are way smarter than Western children?

  • I mean, I’m sure he’s a great guy in-universe. But the fact that he’s canonically a god (he weilded Thor’s hammer) and the protector of literally the entire universe, and libs don’t think that could possibly be meant to say something about how the real America is. Meanwhile, they spend way too much time psychoanalysing any communist show.

    I’ve watched reviews of the DPRK cartoon Squirrel and Hedgehog, and the parallels to real life politics they draw are just, a rubber band would snap if you stretched it that far. Saying nothing about how Japanese anime from the same era is actually pretty similar in plot structure and level of violence, is anime from a US supporting country also commie propaganda? It’s also not like those countries are right next to each other, and could possibly have similar cultures that show through in their media, right?

    Sorry, it’s not you. I’m just in a salty, ranty mood tonight.