Reddit refugee

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I did night shift for like 9 years. I actually preferred it and 10ish years later I have no regrets about it. Honestly I kinda wish I still had that job. The place has changed how it works a lot according to someone I still talk to that is still there, so I would probably hate it now. But other than management sucking, I was damn good at it and it was satisfying. Not the work itself, (it was just a warehouse for a clothes company) but I was satisfied at how well I picked everything up and other than a handful of positions, given the ability to loop time, I could have run the whole place minus those particular spots.

    Either way, that part of it was satisfying. And I liked not always missing stuff that happened during the day. I could switch sleep schedules to fit other plans when necessary. I wasn’t always just automatically out of a given social interaction because of the time, or unable to make a certain doctor appointment.

  • My social circle isn’t a pot den, lol. Actually most don’t partake either now that my circle already changed some.

    But very few think anything negative about it, it’s mostly just because their jobs prevent them from it.

    I know far more people that would judge a cigarette smoker than would judge a weed smoker. I’ve only known two people course to my age that smoked at all. One quit years ago and the other has a whole new set of medical problems (on top of what she already had going on). I don’t know if these new problems have anything to do with it, but I pretty much just assume any cigarette smoker with any medical problem has it because of the cigarettes. Probably a little too overboard for accuracy, but as far as I’m concerned they’re just death. There is literally zero… Absolutely zero benefits to it at all, if you smoke you have only had things come of it. (Would love to hear a counter example, but I don’t think any exist)

    Anyway, that’s a whole tangent so let me stop before I really get going.

    Suffice it to say, that my meaning was that people who are against it (in my experience) are always uptight, religious, or something similar.

    Unless they have a specific reason that they don’t like it, I just probably wouldn’t be friends with them. Just judging it because good told em to or whatever. Maybe that’s just because I’m in the south and I just don’t know what other areas are like.

    But for me, you’re either morally just fine with it but don’t partake, a user (with a huge spectrum of frequency and amount), hate it because of paranoia, or a straight up Jesus freak.

    I realize there are people who just somehow don’t like it, but to look down on it in general just screams like a group of people that are no fun.

    And for what it’s worth, concerts are fun but exhausting, board games are AMAZING (I’m still sad about all the games I have that I can’t play anymore for now because I lost the group of roommates I had)

    Most of them weren’t mine but I owned a few favorites and they’re just sitting in a storage shed now :'(

    Survival I’m ok with, not a huge fan. RTS though I can’t stand as a genre. I grew up on games where you push a button, and something moves. Simulation, strategy, any genre where you’re managing resources and stuff just totally doesn’t sit with me.

    At least in video games. Board games that do that kinda thing are fine usually.