some definitions for intelligence:
-Information, especially secret information gathered about an actual or potential enemy or adversary.
-The gathering of such information.
At least that is more accurate name for its usage
some definitions for intelligence:
-Information, especially secret information gathered about an actual or potential enemy or adversary.
-The gathering of such information.
At least that is more accurate name for its usage
only way i’ll be happy with that is if no one owns anything. corporations, people, billionaires. Otherwise might as well burn it all down, why should care if i dont own anything.
china and russia should leave the planet
that is better term for it
there has to be some form of private property though, but how do you define the line? Maybe if you could claim stuff for varying amounts of time, be it hours or for your lifetime, but there would still need to be somekind of measure against hoarding and other abuse. Everything should still have value for this, but maybe it wouldn’t need to be monetary value we currently have.
Economy also probably cant be completely removed but it doesnt have to be exactly like it is now where money controls everything. Maybe if every type of work had some kind value determined by something that benefits society as whole and as you work, you gain some kind of credits that can be used to lay claim on stuff. Stuff could also have different tiers based on how crucial they are for life so everyone would have access to at least basic food and shelter no matter what. I dont think people just not working if they dont die to hunger or exposure as result would be problem, as life where you dont do anything is hell unless you are so simple minded you wouldnt be able to work anyway.
Then there is matter of resource allocation, if everyone uses as much as they want everything will run out. But to regulate this there would need to be some kind of authority which could easily corrupt into mockery of itself.
It would be nice if there was some serious research on how to achieve something like this. We dont have to be slaves to wealth. At least i havent heard of anything like that. But i wonder if large enough portion of humanity is even capable of thinking like that.
infinite amount of monkeys could produce infinite amount of information, i dont see the point
I think they would increase their control over the politicans and law making system while more critical systems like taxation and police are outsourced. Like, collection corporations can buy the rights to collect taxes and police becomes private, protecting primarily corporations interests while regular people can buy some kind of protection package. We are just discardable tools to them so why would they care for people’s wellbeing beyond maybe not causing revolt due to too much suffering.
just call it xitter (pronounced shitter) as that is what it is, full of shit
i wonder when megacorporations start openly governing countries, pushing the local government to sidelines
putting anything on orbit costs A LOT, per kg. Not worth it
i wonder how i have already been doing this without this
pakko manipuloida tuolla tavoin kun eihän sille muuten löydy ketään täysjärkistä tukijaa
oliko twitterissäkään tai naamakirjassa miljoonia käyttäjiä kun ne oli uusia? ihmiset menee sinne missä on sisältöä ja vaikka siellä ei muuta olisikaan kuin valtion tiedutusjutut, olisi sekin ihan ok kun kaikki pääsisi edes tasavertaisesti niitä lukemaan toisin kuin xitterissä.
if we dont, we definitely deserve all we will get
denuvo is hostile and toxic program
i wish there was more we could do to help russians topple their dictatorship
jos nuo oikeasti teki noin törkeää korruptiota, että sääti lakeja jonkun yhtiön hyväksi, niin kyllä siitä pitäisi jotain kovempaa rangaistusta tulla kuin että joutuu omaaloitteisesti pyytämään anteeksi
but you could design it to be easily scalable instead of having to build another even more expensive thing when you suddenly need to process 41T
and by that time its way too late to do anything about it