starting a new adventure in the fediverse!


  • 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts.

    so you admit that you lied about what I said, even quoting wha I actually did say to PROVE you lied, yet…

    The thing people are blaming the us for is increased opium production under the occupation of Afghanistan.

    you misrepresent a handful of commenters as “people’ making it seem like this is a commonly-held argument that rational people actually believe — without any evidence to back it up… or any evidence that it’s even true.

    so, based on these lies and bad-faith twisting of the argument, why should I engage with this discussion further knowing full well you’ll just continue to lie and twist my words because that’s exactly what you’ve been doing this whole time?

    So are you suggesting that the claim that the United States is responsible for opium production during the occupation of Afghanistan isn’t supported by the facts?

    see? you couldn’t even make it to the end of that comment before you did it again!

    can you not control it? is the lying a compulsion for you? I mean… the evidence of what I said is right there yet you insist I said something I clearly didn’t. it’s… very strange.

  • So you’re not going to explain how you came to the conclusion that the us occupation government in Afghanistan wasn’t responsible for opium production while it was in power and you’re also not gonna provide any source for the facts that led you to that conclusion?

    I never said that. why do you think lying, especially when there’s evidence of what I DID say, will win you any “points” or whatever you’re after here?

    I drew no conclusions as there was no evidence to support such a conclusion.

    you’re welcome to prove - with evidence - how you came to that conclusion. As of now, none has been provided to support that conclusion. Someone asserted that and provided some link, but the evidence did not back up their claim.

    so, keep raging, but you’re wasting your time trying to twist my words into something I never said.

  • so does that mean that the production didn’t happen or it wasn’t the occupation governments fault?

    have fun on that journey of discovery!

    There’s no wrong answer here

    except for those which had no evidence to support them.

    I’m not gonna send the stasi to break down your door for being a lib

    you keep calling me names because it makes you feel better for trolling and bullying me, but you don’t know me at all nor what I believe because ii have said anything other than providing and debating the established facts. I could be communist or fascist or something in between, but all I’ve argued is the facts. nothing personal.

    I just want to understand how someone who clearly values logic and rhetoric came to that conclusion.

    I’ve said it hundreds of time, and you’re going to ignore it this time too: THE FACTS as supported by THE EVIDENCE.

  • Lol believe me, the only thing I’ve gotten or expect to get from this interaction is a headache.

    you have only yourself to thank for that. after all,. you made the decision to come and troll my comments, and you’re the one who refuses to stop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I’m not using any strawmen or rhetorical traps (what even is that?) or twisting your words.

    except for the many, many times I clearly show you were, you said “nah-uh!” and we keep going around in circles.

    all because you refuse to admit you’re wrong and keep hatefully trolling me due to your deep-seated insecurities. because you just can’t walk away due to some hangup about what an internet stranger happens to think.

    but go on and deny that, too, and I’ll just keep repeating the same thing again and agin until the end of time.

    tired of losing yet? because I’m happy t keep telling you this forever.
