• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • SPOOSER@lemmy.todaytoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide to Epicurean paradox
    2 months ago

    My point is that none of it makes sense. Our existence and consciousness in a vast universe doesn’t make sense. So at the end of the day, who cares what someone else believes to cope with that? Bad shit happens, people will explain it was for one purpose or another, but at the end of the day bad shit just happens and we should do our best to stop it, regardless of whos fault it is.

    It’s so weird. Athiests claim to not believe in a god but then blame a god for when bad things happen, asking believers why their god would let it happen. Why do they care about what an imaginary god lets happen? Some sick fuck murdered a bunch of people, who gives a flying fuck what some random religon’s god says about it?

  • SPOOSER@lemmy.todaytoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide to Epicurean paradox
    2 months ago

    Sure, but the concept itself is that whatever entity it is knows better, so the fact you don’t undetstand has a purpose in the entity’s “grand scheme”.

    What I’m saying is that it doesn’t matter because as humans we’re all just trying to make sense of ourselves and our place in the universe. The fact we exist is perplexing, and however we decide to deal with that fact is up to each individual, and that’s ok.

  • SPOOSER@lemmy.todaytoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide to Epicurean paradox
    2 months ago

    Or maybe they have an afterlife of imeserable bliss to offset the injustice they experienced in life. There can always be a different reason thought of, but to conclude to one or the other side is illogical. As humans we want to know definitively and either side accepts their position as truth because it’s most comfortable. But in reality it’s ok to accept people’s beliefs one way or another because at the end of the day we’re just trying to make sense of our illogical and improbable existence.

  • SPOOSER@lemmy.todaytoCool Guides@lemmy.caA cool guide to Epicurean paradox
    2 months ago

    I think the fundamental issue with this is that it presumes that our understanding of morality is perfect. If an all-knowing, all-powerful God acted contrary to our understanding of morality, or allowed something to happen contrary to our understanding of morality it would make sense for us to perceive that as undermining our understanding of God, making him imperfect. An all-knowing, all-encomposing God may have an understanding that we as mortals are incapable of understanding or perceiving.

    It presumes to know a perfect morality while also arguing that morality can be subjective. It doesn’t make sense, just like an irrational belief in a God. I think the best way to go about this is to allow people to believe how they want and stop trying to convince people one way another about their beliefs. People get to believe differently and that is not wrong.

    Edit: holy shit those reddit comments are full of /r/iamverysmart material lmfao

  • That’s not true at all. Are members of the Church of Jesus Christ misguided in how they treat their fellow members and their youth? Yes. But its fundamental teachings (not the toxic traditions of the members) are one of peace, love, and hope. This type of comment is rude, and offensive, and if it were regarding another group this kind of comment would be downvoted. But because it’s against a religion it’s ok to shit on their beliefs? This sentiment only breeds toxicity, and if we really want to help others who are affected by the toxic behaviors of all groups, we need to start with ourselves and how we treat (and look at) those whose beliefs differ from our own.

  • I played VR and had a blast. It was usually the ones that were mounted to the ceiling at a mall arcades. I could play no big deal for hours. My brother in law got a vr headset for Christmas and I tried to use it and got unbelievably sick after 20 minutes of playing it.

    I played super hot, some moving zombie game, and that plank game on thw vr headsets at mall arcades with no problem moving around, twisting, and moving fast. I played a stationary puzzle game on my bil’s. I dont know what causes the sickness but it was veey bad on his unit. I womder if the suspension at the mall arcades made the difference, rather than having a free roaming headset.

  • I want to have this level of belief. After Netflix benefitting from their enshittification, I believe this will just become the new norm and I’ll just be pushed further from societal norms because I’m not willing to shell out for all of this bullshit, while the vast majority of society is. I want to believe these companies will fail in their ventures to treat their customers like shit, but if I’ve learned anything it’s that society will do anything for their shit.

  • I think by pearls of wisdom you mean the Pearl of Great Price, but that was really just a supplement to the Old Testament, expounding on Moses and their belief of the creation.

    Members of the Church of Jesus Christ were commanded not to drink hot drinks, interpreted by prophets as coffee and tea. Members recently have, when asked why, claimed their teachings were that they were to abstain from caffeine because the caffeine is addictive and that’s why Coffee was bad. However, this was and has never been the doctrine. The doctrine was purely to abstain from coffee and certain types of tea, as the “hot drinks” in the book of the Doctrine and Covenants that has been interrpreted by modern-day prophets. Never has a prophet established that caffeine is the culprit for the reason for abstaining, infact, the same book also establishes that God has only given commandments for the purposes of spirituality, rather than mortality. But because of the member-spread tradition, many members have believed–falsly–that they had been taught to abstain from caffeine and therefore also abstain from chocolate. This has never been the case, but has merely been member tradition and has unfortunately spread as what their church teaches. The doctrine of the church is relatively simple, but you have to sift member traditions (such as being republican, or not drinking caffeine, or not letting their children play with non members, or not being able to gamble, or not being able to consume caffeine, or being homophobic) from the teachings of the Church, which is to have Faith in Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and Endure to the end.