Ignacio [he/him]

Spanish guy, who likes open source software and has just discovered the fediverse (as of 28th of April, 2022). I like video games, and indie and retro music. I’m a student. I’m officially diagnosed with ADHD and ASD since January, 2023.


  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 28th, 2022


  • It depends. I’m on two instances, sopuli and beehaw. Both of them are really welcoming and cool, and I can interact with people without worrying about being bullied or harassed or attacked by random trolls just because they don’t like what I say (and trust me, suffering those actions while being neurodivergent is way worse than suffering those actions while being neurotypical).

    But I think that more than 70% of the content I see comes from one single instance. Excluding beehaw (they defederated that other instance, and I agree with that), I think that sopuli also has similar communities that are like abandoned or with low amount of content. That’s something I don’t like.

  • Exterminate / Extinguish - once they have good amount of users, they can start crippling the other side

    That’s users’ fault. I don’t want to disrespect anybody, that’s not my intention, but if users are stupid enough to listen to the songs of the Sirens, that’s not Sirens’ fault, but users’ fault.

    You say that defederating is the only way to prevent EEE. But defederating doesn’t prevent people to move to Threads, doesn’t prevent people to listen to the songs of the Sirens. It only prevents people to see the Sirens.