For those who don’t know, Reddit announced they would start asking outrageous prices for API access, which will essentially kill off all third party apps.

We’ve received quite a few new account requests after this announcement, and expect to receive more, so this post is aimed at you, prospective lemmygrad member!

We’ll go through each account application with due diligence, but we would like you to know before you request an account that Lemmygrad is a Marxist instance, principally Marxist-Leninist. We like Stalin and we uphold the DPRK’s sovereignty and legitimacy over the whole of Korea. We love China’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

You can always request an account but you will likely be disappointed in your browsing experience if we approve you and you find yourself surrounded by MLs if you are not one.

Up to a few seconds ago, our tagline said “leftist communities” instead of “marxist communities” on join-lemmy, and I’m guessing that’s why many non-marxist socialists wanted to join us.

You might prefer or, although hexbear is not federated with anyone yet.

    1 year ago

    You can always request an account but you will likely be disappointed in your browsing experience if we approve you and you find yourself surrounded by MLs.

    Would it be better to say:

    You can always request an account but you may be disappointed in your browsing experience if we approve you and you did not expect to find yourself surrounded by MLs.

    We’re a friendly bunch. Many non-MLs will enjoy it here; so long as they know in advance that anti-ML slander and propaganda / liberal tendencies will be challenged and could lead to a ban.

    • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      We’ve had non-socialists (but left-leaning) people requesting accounts :P

      In this case I doubt they will stick around after they hear Stalin did nothing wrong haha

    1 year ago

    By experience, most internet users who self-identified as Communists and oppose Stalin tend to be either brainwashed people in countries that are under the rule of Westen European diaspora or trolling bots. Is there any real Communists who actually oppose Stalin? Stalin receive the most slander in Western European diaspora because he refused the destruction of USSR through an unsustainable war against Fascism and he forced the desolution of alliance by British and French empires with Hitler’s Nazi Germany. The Liberals complained about the non-agreession pact between Stalin and Hitler, even when the Western European empires forced Stalin to make the peace pact, that buy time for war preparation by USSR against Hitler at a time when USSR is too underindustrialized and too devasted from the Russian civial war that was more damaging than World War 1.

      1 year ago

      I’ve found that there are a surprising amount of Marxist academics who are leftcoms or Khrushchevites or related. Even from nonwestern ones, in Karl Marx’s ecosocialism Kohei Saito randomly disses “Stalinism” a few times and he’s from Japan. I’m currently reading the Dialectical Biologist and it also randomly denounces Stalin despite being otherwise good. The authors of that book are from India.

        1 year ago

        Academics are rarely anything but pets of the bourgeoisie so of course they must adopt non-threatening tendencies if they’re open about it. The number of (open) Parenti’s was never going to be more than you could count on a few fingers. Not to say there aren’t many sincere, principled ML’s in academia, they just don’t write about it or hide it.

        Something about the ivory tower and the desire for respectability also bullies these people into accepting the (CIA) consensus so of course it’s unacceptable to go against historians, writers, people in other disciplines who allege atrocities. Of course it’s impossible for them to give the middle finger to ‘academics’ from Poland, etc who sob about the oppression of the Soviet Union. They cling to a false respectability instead, one of either reform (revisionism) or similar. Arrive at similar thoughts to their liberal peers through other means and are thus accepted.

    1 year ago

    Lol if they can’t handle us they sure as shit can’t handle Hexbear. I love me some Hexbear but we are tame in comparison. I feel like people can have decently calm and reasonable arguments and discussions over here. On Hexbear things can get pretty heated pretty fast. The memes and shit posting is too notch though. No one dunks on libs better and no one is more ready to go harass some chuds on reddit.

    1 year ago

    “So what is Marxism? Do I fit in here?”

    It is ok if you are not a 10th degree grand master of Marxonomics, all you have to have to be welcome here is respect for the community and a willingness to learn. We will teach you.

    Marxism is highly complex however the basic concept of it is:

    Capitalism is fundamentally flawed, isn’t reformable, and requires a working class revolution to solve the constant revolving crisis’ of capitalism.

    If you agree with the above statement you belong here.

    Marxism takes a scientific and pragmatic approach towards solving this issue (organize, educate, agitate) as opposed to an idealistic one (we’ll just do a revolution and everything will be fixed!).

    Welcome all new leftists! As per always, it is best to study works of our most successful comrades (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao) and their works can be found at for free.

      1 year ago

      For comrades already here, I wasn’t sure how to go about this sort of welcome post as I’m not entirely sure what to expect/who will be incoming, so I tried to cast a wide net.