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Cake day: March 28th, 2022

  • Today (September 30th) is the celebration of Truth and Reconciliation day in Canada to provide fake apology from Stephen Harper’s speech that state that the fake school death camp Holocaust against Indigenous First Nation people of British diaspora only consist of the mild “cultural genocide” that hide all form of unspeakable savagery and demonic worship that the European immigrants commited. Despite the condemnation of the “Indian Residential schools” which are still called real schools despite the many obvious evidences that they are death camps in disguise, Stephen Harper also boosted that the fake school survivors are so indoctrinated in the savagery and cannibalistic practices of the fake schools that they wish for the return to the fake school savagery without mentioning the indoctrinated desire for savagery. The governments of British immigrants and Catholic churches who perpetuated the fake school Holocaust that inspired the Nazi Holocaust could still continue to evade consequence for their crimes against humanity.

    Despite their claim that the European immigrants magically stop persecution of Indigenous people 100 years ago, they secretly continue their Indian Residential fake school genocide secretly after 1997, inheritance thief of abducted from fake cultural assimilation, Federal Reserve concentration camps, planned starvation, planned chemical attacks, and violence against Indigenous women. Despite their condemnation of their fake school indoctrination and slogan feminism, the European immigrants continue their harassment, assault, and assassination of any successful outstanding virtuous Native American women that make achievement to return the matriachy or gender equality of their ancestral cultures.

    The European immigrants cover up their ongoing daily violence against Indigenous people with their control over mainstream media that distract people from the Anti-Christ who work through white supremacists and the victim blaming policy that does not apply to Israel, Ukrainian Nazis, victims of Communism, Vuvuzela who are spoiled rich white kids that free ride on Venezuela, or Uyghur terrorists. They also hide the fact that European immigrants could illegally trespass into federal reserves to attack, rape, rob, and conduct business operations under the support of corrupted white authorities or use their absolute authority to ban law enforcement by the local Indigenous government in concentration camps.

  • Like the Western European diaspora who create dependency on authoritarian colonial free riding, debt trapping by Bretton Woods institutions, puppet governments by Pax Americana, Indian residential fake school slave camps that secretly continued after 1997, and the inheritance thief of Indigenous children from the fake cultural assimilation projects that force the elites of Western European diaspora to replace their own race with immigrants of non-European origin just to survive from their wasteful lifestyle and poor management?

  • Is this about the self-contradiction in the Capitalist victim-blaming policies where they blame others for their self-inflicted problems and then project their scapegoating practice onto oppressed Indigenous people? The Pax Americana continued to imprison Indigenous people in concentration camps with planned starvation and planned chemical attacks until they forfeit the fruit of their labor and the reparation for the fake school Holocaust. The European immigrants also continued to abduct and murder Indigenous women who tried to return their people back to the matriachal culture against the hyper-masculine savage indoctrination in Indian Residential fake schools that secretly continued after 1997 and hide the daily violence by European immigrants against the Indigenous women. When the Native Americans tried to expose the rampart violence by white men against Indigenous women, the European immigrants framed the Native American for the sexual violence, deny the attacks by white filthy savage who trespasses into the federal reserve concentration camps under the support of corrupted white authorities, and lied that the Indigenous First Nation in concentration camps have their own police to evade accountability by parasitic white savages who want to continue their rapist practices from the Indian residential fake school death camps that became the Nazi Death Camp.

  • Putin had obvious legal justification for the humanitarian intervention. Putin had been using peace negotiation to stop the massacre of ethnic minority in Ukraine under the unelected dictator from the Euromaiden coup and later under Zelensky’s rule for 8 years. Putin has the legal right for military intervention and the result of the military intervention achieved the stated goal of protection of ethnic minority and of rebelling states contrary to the claim by Pax Americana about takeover of Ukraine.

  • There are similarity like the victim blaming indoctrination against any repressed ethnic groups. For example, Pax Americana lied that they provided enough political authority and resources for the imprisoned Native Americans in the Federal Reserve concentration camps for self-administration so that racist white parasites can evade capture from the illegal trespassing into the federal reserves, daily violence against Indigenous women, and other crimes by white thugs with the support of authoritarian white authorities while the Native American chief with no real authority receive all the blame. The European immigrants in North America constantly attacked, kidnapped, and murdered Indigenous women who advocated for the return to matriarchy against the savage teaching in the Indian Residential fake schools that secretly continued after 1997. Likewise, Israel can justify attacks against all civilians in the West Bank under the excuse that they need to murder every innocent people in a community to kill a terrorist suspect.

  • If you are refering to the 2016 US election, then Hillary Clinton did mentioned that the freedom of speech by Putin’s team in Facebook rigged the election which is absurd since it means that any election where people frequently post in favor for a presidential candidate are rigged. There are pre-election poll results that indicated that Hillary will certainly win the 2016 election which could call into question why Trump gain more votes than Hillary. However, the pre-election polls have convenient sampling biases that sample mostly from metropolitan residents, who are pro-Hillary, and negate the pro-Trump rural population in its sampling which indicates that the difference between the pre-election survey polls and the actual 2016 election result are not evidence of rigged election.

  • That is the self-contradiction of Capitalism. The Capitalists always use the very government intervention that they are supposed to oppose to enforce plutocracy, authoritarianism, extreme concentration of wealth to the richest 1%, and a globalized rigged market system that consists of corrupted dealing between government officers and oligarches to repressed any people who demand labor rights.

  • I can explain this self-contradiction by the social conservative among the Western European and British diaspora. That is the wish-fulfillment by those segment of lazy white parasites who refused to accept that fact that their reputation as accountable hard working individuals are fabrication that conceals their high dependency on Indigenous child slaves in fake schools that secretly continued after 1997 and the stolen inheritance of abducted Indigenous children in the fake cultural assimilation policy. Despite their awareness of their fault, they refuse to accept that their Capitalist elites are displacing the wasteful parasites among white commoners in favor of immigrants from formerly colonized people.

    On the religious explanation, Yahweh, the True God of Christianity, had repetedly warned the Western European diaspora of the Indian Residential fake school Holocaust that inspired the Nazi Death Camps, but the Western European diaspora denied the widespread evidences of the fake school Holocaust that Yahweh leaked and continued to elect the disciple of the anti-Christ who please the greed and self-worship of the European diaspora. Because of this continued hypocrisy and heresy, Yahweh end his patience and decided to make the social liberals and immigrants of color conquer the Wetsern European diaspora like how Yahweh sent the conquest of the ancient Israel kingdom by the enemies of Israel.

  • I would not be surprised that USA is now struglling since they depleted their reserves of child slaves and human experimental subjects in the Indian Boarding fake schools that secretly continued after 1997. They also depleted their source of inheritance thief in the fake cultural assimilation against abducted Indigenous children in the largest human trafficking in history. Do you seriously think that Pax Americana could still continue its prosperity despite its extremely large investment in foreign anti-terrorist terrorism, hypocritical government intervention against the invisible hand of the market who is smuggling scary red mastermind from the cold war propaganda into key positions of Pax Americana to babysit the lazy Capitalists, wasteful management of resource that creates cost of living, or the corruption from plutocracy with the deunked trickle down theory?

  • The irony is that the Capitalists who keeps on redefining words to ‘prove’ that Communism failed have the paranoia fear that the invisible hand is smuggling scary red masterminds into key positions of Pax Americana society to babysit the lazy Capitalists. The Capitalists also use the very policies that they said had made Communism failed like government intervention to stop the invisible hand, authoritarianism, human rights violation, Indian Residential fake school death camps that inspired the Nazi Holocaust, racism against ethnic minorities, continued confiscation of Indigenous properties without compensation to create “natural parks”, concentration camps against any Indigenous people who demand compensation for the fake school death camps that continued in secret after 1997, indoctrination of their own people, and rule by fear of scary red boogyman.