This is my current MINIMAL understanding of German politics:

AfD- THE fascist party in Germany. Absolute dickheads BSW- Corporatists…? They seem incredibly odd. Maybe nazbol? CDU, SPD- Bog standard neolib right wing twats, don’t know anything else. Die Linke- Demsocs? Haven’t heard much about them, but know they’re not commies, obv. KPD, DKP, SGP, MLPD- No idea. Assuming DKP is nazbol because the name

Can i get some help? Don’t know who i should look into/support.

    19 days ago

    AfD - Neolibs to fascists

    BSW - Split from the Linke over their complete incompetence. Demsocs, which means in praxis 50s to 70s socdems. They and their leader are currently the most hated people by our free™ media.

    CDU - Neolibs to fascists, sometimes to the right of the AfD

    CSU - Neolibs to fascists, the CDU of Bavaria.

    SPD - Libs to Neolibs.

    Die Linke - Demsocs, recentish thought it was a great idea to drop that and go turbolib (it was a really bad idea). All of their good members left for BSW.

    Bündnis90/TheGreens - started out as green party, as they do not consider class conflict a problem libs took over, lead Germany into its first offensive war post-WW2. Recently campaigned under to promise not to send weapons to countries at war and doing their utmost to free Assange. Fast forward: They’re the most avid "Slava Utini"s there are and it turned out they actually did their utmost to prevent Assange coming free. Fascist party, to the right of the AfD in many issues.

    KPD - The spectre that haunts Germany. Banned in a highly manipulated descission in the west, became the SED in the east. Post 1990 refounded, hardly any members tho. More active in university cities.

    DKP - KPD banned, what now? Change some letters.

    SGP - first time hearing of them, trots. Will propably split into single member parties.

    MLPD - KPD banned what now? Double down. Lack of members? Have your family take over! Essentially the party of one family, quite a lot of money available, some good positions, some wonky ones, bit culty.

    19 days ago

    Don’t forget Freie Demokraten (FDP). They’re turbo-neolibs. All they care about is cutting social services in favour of handouts for the rich.

    What gets me about the the mainstream political discourse is how vilified the AfD rhetoric and policy proposals are, only for all of the main parties to jump on the bandwagon and do the things.

    18 days ago

    Currently all establishment parties (CDU, SPD, FDP, Grüne) in Germany are neoliberal, right wing and rabidly pro-war, pro-NATO and pro-EU. They are all virtually indistinguishable in their policies.

    AfD are neoliberal but euroskeptic with some anti-establishment rhetoric. You can call them fascist if you want but there is very little difference between them and the establishment parties.

    AfD are more explicitly islamophobic and anti-immigration but the mainstream parties have basically adopted most of their views. And where the AfD does apologetics for German Nazis, the mainstream parties do the same for Ukrainian Nazis. For me they are all fascist.

    BSW are social democrats with some reactionary social views. They are anti-NATO, anti-war and moderately anti-EU. As a result they are demonized by the liberal mainstream to an absurd degree, more even than AfD. But really they are more or less what Die Linke used to be before Die Linke went liberal, tried to join the establishment and as a result lost most of their base and tanked in the elections.

    DKP are progressive MLs and principled anti-imperialists, there’s nothing “nazbol” about them. Lots of young people in the party, they’re your best option if you want to join or support a communist party in Germany.

    SGP are Trots and too tiny to be relevant. They do a good job handing out Marxist pamphlets but they have anti-China brainworms. MLPD is probably an op, but either way it’s just a couple of old, out of touch boomers; also irrelevant. KPD hasn’t existed since like the 50s.

    • borschtisgarbo@lemmygrad.mlOP
      18 days ago

      I assumed it was nazbol due to the name being “German communist party” ,which I assumed I plied some form of ethnic chauvinism. It isn’t a common naming format for communist parties for this exact reason. My bad though