c/showerthoughts is generally assumed to be for epiphanies; but it isn’t called “c/epiphanies”, it’s called “c/showerthoughts”. And my thought this morning was that it’s been over 50 years since the publication of Jack Margolis’ A Child’s Garden of Grass, and entire generations of readers now exist who have never had the joy of reading this book. I guess I should NSFW this because the topic is <shudder> Drugs, but what got me thinking about this was recollecting a homily from the book that I always found both amusing and startlingly accurate.

Unfortunately, I’m unable to find my copy, and I’ve been unable to find the story through any search engine, and so I’ll attempt to recite it from memory. It’s quite short (shorter than this intro!), and I hope I can do it some justice. With that preface, <ahem>

An alcoholic, an acidhead, and a stoner are walking through the woods when they come to a city surrounded by a great wall. As it’s nearing nightfall, they decide to enter the city, and walk along the wall until they come to a small, locked door. After getting no response from knocking, they debate what they should do next.

“Let’s beat down the door and break our way in!” says the drunk man.
The acidhead says, “No, man… let’s just float through the keyhole”
But the stoner says, “naw… let’s just sit down here in the grass and wait until they open it in the morning.”

Apparently, the book has been digitized and is available for lending from archive.org. I haven’t tried this, but if you haven’t read it, and can find it, and aren’t anti-drug, it’s a great little book.