Dynamic processors (e.g. compressors, limiters, peak detectiors) are more accurate at higher sample rates (and bit depth). Also, less latency at higher frequency. Lastly, it greatly improves editing including “modern” processing such as time streching, pitch correction etc. I am not sure what the effects on “spatialization” are …
Yeah, it is a completely nonsensical thing to complain about. I hate to go around matching curly brackets like some braindead nematode. If you use more than two levels you should rewrite the code in most cases… just use advanced indexing and vectorization (by pythonic ;p). Or you can loop around like a freaking peasent in your inefficient garbage code that nobody can read because it is cluttered with comments explaining basic stuff. There is a reason Python is popular… and it is not because no one can read it. Same goes for dynamic typing - it is a blessing for most tasks. I do not want to explain to the machine what every temporary variables means…