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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I was in 3 car accidents over the course of three years, all of which the car I was in was totaled.

    The worst of the three was one of those secondary, peak rush-hour accidents. I was on a two lane freeway (two lanes one direction, two lanes the other with a cement divider in the middle) around rush-hour with a pretty heavy amount of traffic but moving fast. I was going between 60 and 70 and in a really good mood. I’d just spent the whole day making music with one of my best friends with crazy vintage equipment and I was on my way to play a show that night. I was daydreaming and looked away from the road for a second, looked back and saw break lights. So I tapped my breaks, but then in a split second I realized those break lights were coming super fast. I did the exact wrong thing and slammed on my breaks. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I was hit from both the front and the back. I was driving a tiny two seater from the early 90s, not exactly the safest car. I felt around myself and I seems to be all in one piece. No pain anywhere. Iwas able to squeeze my way up out of the car, bewildered. I didn’t seem to have any injuries at all. The car looked like a crushed tin can. I went to the hospital just in case and it’s a good thing I did because as the shock wore off I discovered I had a bruised rib that was making it very hard to breathe. But that was my only injury. They gave me painkillers and sent me on my way.

    I spent the next year in a fog of painkillers and existential despair and confusion. To this day I have trouble driving and I frequently question whether I’m actually alive or living out a dream in the dying seconds of my mind.

  • I second the folks I see talking up Nebula. Great shit on there.

    The ones I spend the most time with are probably Fact Fiend, Animalogic, vlogbrothers, Seth Skorkowsky, XP to Level 3, Hello Future Me, Gus Johnson, Reuben Solo, Andrew Rousso, EVNautilus, David Firth, Adam Millard…

    Then there’s a bunch that I only watch on Nebula now: Extra Credits/History, Legal Eagle, Nerdwriter, Adam Neely, Philosophy Tube, Innuendo Studios, Tale Foundry, Just Write, Like Stories of Old, Lindsay Ellis, RealLifeLore, TierZoo.

    Then there’s this guy who just makes long, quiet videos of him interacting with stray cats. Good, good, gooooooood shit. Changed his name recently.

  • Hey man, tell you what- you keep your corpo-shilling somewhere else and I’ll keep my ‘sarcastic non-comments that attack people and add nothing to the discussion’ elsewhere. Deal?

    And to add something to the discussion- without FB crazy uncles will no longer be actively receiving the kind of insanely targeted shit that comes with FB. Sure, they’ll get some targeted shit other places but FB is on a crazy level far and above most everyone else in that field. Everything else they’ll have to look for more. And a lot of people won’t do that because that’s extra work they’re not used to. Less people will be radicalized by The Algorithm.

  • I work in a public library. While this is fucked up and crazy, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Librarians do not fuck around and most libraries have very similar strict and thorough rules for how they take books under review books that are extremely difficult for people to fuck with.

    For example, at my library if you want to have a book be reviewed to be possibly taken off the shelf, you have to have read it in its entirety. No exceptions. They will literally quiz you on it.