motherfucker [they/them, she/her]

motherfucker—gender neutral term for a biological parent with a feminine coparent

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • A lot of that is about the bread wall. You can buy the full miches, among other things, off the bread wall behind the counters. I guess they’ve found that having all that fresh bread out front increases sales (kind of like how groceries stores out fresh flowers out front and then having the produce section be right near the front door), but a lot of the big ones sell really inconsistently. Not many people are doing grocery shopping at Panera, you know? Some days the bread wall empties. Other days, it’s half full at the end of the day with bread that’s only a couple days away from being moldy or so hard it’s not edible. So they mark up the bread that’s most likely to remain on the shelf anyway and it becomes tax deductible when they donate it to a local charity. They get their pretty bread wall that sells out two days a week and they get to write off their losses.

    But if they don’t donate the bread, it’s not deductible. And if you let employees take enough extra bread, they stop buying as much on their lunch breaks and you start getting empty bags arriving at local soup kitchens, which is a bad look and can jeopardize the arrangement.

  • Panera overnight baker. I got hired as a warm body to stop them from having to fly someone in and put them up in a hotel. I did not have any relevant qualifications. My training was rushed and done by someone who wasn’t qualified to train me. Then when I was doing the job too slowly, they decided it was cheaper to bring someone in than to keep paying me overtime. I almost cried. I’d never made more than $10 an hour prior to that job, so I thought I was making good money. I wasn’t. Panera and their overpriced shit can eat my whole ass.

  • The emoji is called :body-without-sex-organs:. It is a troll doll with the Kabbalah Sefirot superimposed over top of it.

    The phrase “body without organs” is a phrase used by Deleuze and Guattari to describe how the organization of systems imposes restrictions on them. Our freedom is at its highest when our organs are working properly, but their continued operation requires them to signal our attention in ways that limits our actions and sometimes induces automatic responses. So the focus on sex organs implies a focus on the restrictions which sex organs impose on us.

    The Sefirot is an outline of how the divine infinite reveals itself and creates the many realms, both physical and spiritual. Imposing it over a body draws the connection between our material existence and our spiritual essence.

    And troll dolls are children’s’ toys.

    So the connection between the body and spirit of this kids’ toy is restricted by its sex organs? I think I may have accidentally made this emoji trans.

    In reality, someone probably put a spiritual looking symbol over a kids’ toy and deep fried it a little bit as a gag. Then someone with a passing familiarity with Deleuze free associated the name to make it more surreal. I dunno, it’s just my favorite. For what it’s worth, statistically, the person who names that emoji was trans, so vivian-shrug