loathsome dongeater


a cool (brr) dude

  • 175 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2020


  • Walt piles up bodies but it is clear that the bodies originated from the ultra-rich Gretchen and Elliot and not our hero Walt because of the poverty of life they cause by accumulating surplus value.

    Is this correct? I only watched until the bee filler episode but as I recall the bourgeois couple do not show up after the first few episodes. I don’t disagree that they have a hand in the criminality that follows but I don’t think the show tried to make their role in it apparent. After the first few episodes it essentially becomes Walt’s Bizarre Adventures in Cooking and Dealing Meth.

    Edit: nevermind looks like they feature more in the show as the next paragraph says.