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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’m not sure about the current state of the science but there were a bunch of studies that showed that first contact with Europeans had transmitted smallpox as early as 1520 which over the next couple hundred years wiped out maybe 50% or more of the native population in advance of colonization such that later arriving Europeans had the mistaken impression that the continent had always been largely empty when some estimates put the native population pre-colonization at 120 million or more.

  • I never stopped using RSS but its always been an additional source not the sole source of info for me. A lot of folks I’ve followed on various social media or who write for online mags have a personal site where they post long-form stuff. RSS is great if you want to just get a list of those authors latest posts and you don’t want to sort through thousands of other stories to find them.

    Personally I like using the Livemarks add-on in Firefox because I’m already in the browser anyway and I can manage those bookmarks using the standard bookmarks manager to keep them in any organizational structure I find convenient. Here’s the github page but you can search for it in Firefox Add-ons as well: https://github.com/nt1m/livemarks/

  • Here’s what I read - I do not have the source but it was on a local Pittsburgh news site IIRC. He wasn’t paying rent. House was his deceased brother’s house which he bought in 1998 - not sure if shooter had inherited it or not, but there was something in excess of 15K owed for back taxes on it. An LLC paid the taxes on it and BOOM its their house - he filed paperwork with the state that they were scammers and he was contesting what he saw as an someone stealing his house. The LLC filed to have him evicted. Ultimately he made a bad decision to use a weapon and not a lawyer but he was ex-military and may have seen this as the last straw.

  • In a 2019 hearing scrutinizing the merger, Legere told the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology that after combining with Sprint, T-Mobile would have thousands more employees than the stand-alone firms combined in its first year.

    “By 2024 we will have 11,000 more employees,” Legere said, according to a transcript of the hearing.

    “Our critics are wrong about the impact on jobs,” Legere added, responding to a skeptical analysis from the Communications Workers of America labor union. “I have looked at their arguments and supposed analyses and they do not make sense. They ignore the facts. They don’t account for any areas where jobs will grow, like network integration or new customer call care centers.”


  • The only people to know about it would be IT, if we even have an alert for it (we generally don’t) because we don’t care about someone trying to access something is blocked, we know its blocked so its no threat. Things we care about are real security concerns like when your machine suddenly is downloading a bunch of exe files, connecting to a database server in Brazil, scanning the network for open file shares and running powershell scripts to encrypt every file it finds. Most well-set-up places are running endpoint protection now though so the first thing you’ll notice is you will lose your internet. THEN you might get visited, but by then you’ll probably be calling us since nothing works LOL