I completely missed the feature of Multi-classing in all my runs so far. :-( Had a Lolth-sworn Cleric, and a fist-fighting Monk, the rest of the staff stayed as the came.
This person does not exist.
I completely missed the feature of Multi-classing in all my runs so far. :-( Had a Lolth-sworn Cleric, and a fist-fighting Monk, the rest of the staff stayed as the came.
Ohne das Video gesehen zu haben: Je nach Lust und Laune und Gegenüber bin ich gewillt zu argumentieren oder nicke nur ab und wechsele das Thema.
Aber ich war auch mal „vorsätzlich ignorant“, immerhin als dummer Teenager, bei Erwachsenen habe ich weniger Verständnis.
Haha, sadly not.
No, read that on r/steam from a vietnamese user, and it’s my first-hand experience regarding Germany. Still, might be wrong. But people tend to jump on South-east Asian (SEA)-countries, smelling suppression, and malintent, when often it’s common law, even in western countries, but newly enforced in SEA countries
In Germany. As far as I know the guy has a great time :-)
btw thay’s the same reason why Steam Germany has exactly ONE employee.
Steam is not paying taxes in Vietnam, and they have no official employee in Vietnam, that serves as a contact person. The latter is required by law. E.g. Shops need to have a shield on their front, giving contact information, and communicate clearly who’s behind this shop (private person or company).
History repeats itself!
Sind das die Räumlichkeiten, in denen Veganz lange drin gewesen ist?
I used it in the middle of (light) bavarian forest, and it worked quite well. It had some misdetections, but overall it worked to identify all birds I could hear. Don’t know how well it works in the middle of a city, or in other parts of the world.
But if you remind me in about four weeks, I can give a review of how it worked out in southeast asia.
Yeah, the instance I’m using currently has huge troubles with pictures and federation. They’re working on it.
Ah, sad. I cannot read neither spanish or french (I understand bits of it, but yeah, not really comprehending).
Oh, this looks good. Three of my most adored comics during my childhood, and interesting to see a story about the people behind them.
Bin persönlich kein Freund von Straßenware, wenn du nicht weißt bei wem du was kaufst. Frag deinen Bekannten oder besorg dir Samen (legal) im Internet. Einfach mal googlen :-)
Same, thanks original commenter!
Immer dieses Gerede von „dann stirbt die Community.“ Geduld.
Überall, wo Menschen arbeiten, werden sich Grüppchen oder Cliquen bilden, das ist in gewisser Form normal. Je kleiner der Betrieb oder die Abteilung ist, ist die Clique meist Betriebsübergreifend und es gibt dann nur kleine „Splittergruppen“ von 2-4 Personen.
Gibt es eine besondere Art von Cliquen, die dich stören? Bzw. was stört dich allgemein daran?
Stimmt, meinen Rasierer habe ich mit russischer Anleitung auf DuRöhre reparieren können.
Sind Fußgängerzonen in den meisten Fällen nicht sowieso für Lieferverkehr frei?
Tried it with 3.7.0, but somehow the app stopped working, and I’ve continued using Ultrasonic, but will give Tempo another try, as soon as 3.8.0 is available on F-Droid. Liked the Tempo-UI more, than Ultrasonic’s.
Fascinating, Duckduckgo isn’t working for me aswell.