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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I can go point by point in his comment, but the core issue I am point out applies to all of it. We have the laws to have prevented this, we have the tools needed to stop so many mass shootings. But the overwhelming majority of the time cops don’t enforce the laws, they’re either incompetent, lazy or refuse to do the job they signed up for.

    You can have every law in the world, you can have the best piece of legislation that perfectly outlines and covers every single possibility, but if nobody enforces it you don’t have shit.

    Guns in society can exist just fine, they already are one of the smallest types used in Violent crimes, we can repeal the NFA and get back fully automatic weapons and still be safe if we could have a functioning police force that enforces the laws that matter instead of revenue generating ones.

  • This article is terrible, Maine has yellow flag laws, which is a much more constitutionally acceptable version of red flag laws. the family did what they were supposed to do, it seems likely (they won’t talk about it) that the cops once again won’t do their jobs and because of that even more people died.

    We already have the laws needed to prevent the majority of mass shootings but unless we get better cops no law will meaningfully help and tyrants will use this as an excuse to just get rid of guns rather than maintain rights, not alienate half the country and actually solve the other underlying problems.

  • Here’s what I’ve done when attempting at my workplace via the postal workers union.

    Get in contact with an organizer, they are there to help guide you or who ever wants to be the main leader of this effort. I will say, as the lead organizer in my attempt, it’s just talking a lot, and getting people to a meeting, it kinda sucks but isn’t a huge ordeal to do, and takes maybe 2 hours in a busy week.

    I went through the AFL-CIO website aflcio.org/formaunion and filled out my information, during my major attempt it took half a week to get in contact with an organizer, though it could take a bit longer.

    You’ll get in contact with an organizer and they’ll get a rundown of your workplace and what it looks like.

    After that there’s about an hour’s worth of training to know your rights and what works for your union.

    Then you’ll be pretty much ready to go to start talking with coworkers to try and get an organizing committee (10% of your workplace) which will be your main coworkers who should be all about the idea, after that 10% then you’ll start convincing everyone in your workplace and soon after that collect signatures.

    Then you’ll go to an election, sadly I do not have much information to get beyond here as the movement fell apart in my workplace during signatures due to a weak organizing committee.

    Hope this helps ya out and if you want any additional information I’m happy to share, we need more unions especially in IT!

  • I’m someone who studies history a lot.

    Everything you said could be replaced with 1910-14 as the current year and you’d be pretty close to prevailing opinions of the day.

    Wars need men. Well trained men ideally, but he who has the numbers usually wins.

    In WW1 It took 3-6 months to churn through the professionals, in WW2 I don’t recall off hand but we’re looking at months. In Vietnam it did take 5 years yes, but that’s not the kind of war that Europe is or should be preparing for. In Ukraine it seems likely to be around 9 months, for Russia at least (unless you’re paratroopers then 3 days).

    Outside of huge technological and leadership gaps you need the bigger army to win and that’s why conscription is the necessary evil.

  • You are by no means wrong. But outside of ancapistan types, I think everyone can say the governments job is to protect it’s citizens from would be invaders. With world tensions rising along with various other crisis’ it’s just the best move, being prepared for the worst and taking precautions.Trained vs untrained soldiers could be the difference between 500 casualties and 2500 (the infamous German school battalions of WW1 for example)

    It’s one of the few actual necessary evils, unless your country is on the offensive of course.