• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • I think if your body is not used to getting up at 5:30am and eating, its gonna feel weird. My only morning run is usually a parkrun, and I don’t eat before that. My other runs (12 - 16 km) I usually wait until I’ve had a large meal + 90 minutes then go.

    I usually run in the evenings, I struggle with events because they usually are run early in the morning (so I have the same issue, having to get up early just to eat).

    For getting past 10km, just make sure you are putting a long run into your weekly runs, and keep increasing your total mileage week on week. Yeah, it will be a struggle until your body can catch up to it.

  • 3-4 strength training days 2 cardio sessions is unreal. Keep at it, you are on the right track. Try extending the running time gradually. I tried running previously like 15 years ago but got severe shinsplints which put me off it for a long time.

    I started going to parkruns in nov 22. I just ran as far as I could then alternated walking / running the rest of the way. It took me about 45 mins and I thought I was gonna die.

    It took me until early April 23 to actually run the entire 5k without stopping. Time was down to 41 mins. Slow progression helped immensely in avoiding major injuries.

    Also, don’t sell yourself short. You know what walking is. If you’re going faster than that you’re running. Jogging is just slow running (I’m sure there is a technical definition somewhere). If your going 45 mins alternate run/walk then stuff it thats a solid 45 min run in my book.