• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • finkrat@lemmy.worldtoaww@lemmy.worldIt's just not fair!
    1 month ago

    At least we put them on pretty 3D animated carbonated beverage advertisements for Christmastime for a while, that must’ve felt really nice until you consider that humans are exploiting your cute and cuddly experience to increase shareholder revenue due to sales of an unnecessarily sugared beverage made with tropical fruit seeds

  • I threw this at ChatGPT, it was entertaining.

    Q: If you had a chessboard with dimensions comparable to the standard world chess tournament boards, and placed a grain of rice on a square, and then moved to the next square and doubled the amount of rice on that square that you used in the previous one, and kept doing this pattern of picking a square and placing twice as many grains as you did on the last one, approximately how many squares could you fill before the rice starts to overflow into other spaces?

    A: Let’s analyze the problem step-by-step to determine how many squares can be filled before the rice starts to overflow.

    1. Understanding the problem: You start with 1 grain of rice on the first square of a chessboard. On each subsequent square, you double the number of grains of rice from the previous square. This means the number of grains on the ( n )-th square is ( 2^{n-1} ).

    2. Capacity and overflow: We need to find the point at which the total amount of rice becomes excessively large, potentially exceeding the board’s capacity. This problem is fundamentally a geometric progression and exponential growth problem.

    3. Chessboard specifics: A standard chessboard has 64 squares.

    4. Exponential growth: Let’s calculate the number of grains of rice on a few key squares to understand the rapid growth:

      • 1st square: ( 2^0 = 1 ) grain
      • 2nd square: ( 2^1 = 2 ) grains
      • 3rd square: ( 2^2 = 4 ) grains
      • 4th square: ( 2^3 = 8 ) grains
      • 5th square: ( 2^4 = 16 ) grains
      • 10th square: ( 2^9 = 512 ) grains
      • 20th square: ( 2^{19} = 524,288 ) grains
      • 30th square: ( 2^{29} = 536,870,912 ) grains
      • 40th square: ( 2^{39} = 549,755,813,888 ) grains
      • 50th square: ( 2^{49} = 562,949,953,421,312 ) grains
      • 60th square: ( 2^{59} = 576,460,752,303,423,488 ) grains
    5. Total grains on the board: The total number of grains of rice after filling all 64 squares is the sum of the geometric series: [ S = 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 + \ldots + 2^{63} ] The sum of this series can be calculated as: [ S = 2^{64} - 1 ] This is a massive number: [ 2^{64} - 1 \approx 18.45 \times 10^{18} \text{ grains} ]

    6. Practical limitations: In reality, the amount of rice that can fit on a square or even within the confines of a board or room will quickly become unrealistic after a relatively small number of squares. For example:

      • The number of grains of rice fitting on a square inch might be around 1,000 grains.
      • If each grain is about 0.01 cubic inch, a cubic foot would hold approximately 12,000 grains.

    Given the calculations above, the exact square where the rice starts to overflow would depend heavily on the physical capacity of the square, which we’ve assumed to be quite large in this hypothetical.

    1. Conclusion: Practically speaking, the rice would start to overflow the physical space far earlier than the 64th square. Assuming a generous physical capacity of a few thousand grains per square:
      • By around the 20th to 30th square, the exponential growth would likely have already led to a number of grains that exceed typical containment capabilities.

    Therefore, if we were to realistically consider overflow within a standard physical context, you might see overflow happening anywhere from the 20th to 30th squares, given the doubling nature of the sequence.

  • Self-diagnosed with way too many symptoms of Autism and ADHD.

    I’m moderately near sighted so my dependence on my vision as an important sense is lower than normal - I don’t focus on visuals very well to begin with, and then Autism on top of it.

    If I look at someone, which itself isn’t frequent, I look at their face, I don’t look right at their eyes. Even when I feel like I’m looking toward the eyes I’m kind of “not focusing” on them per se.

    People ask me what someone’s eyes look like or their expression was or even eye color, I couldn’t tell you. Brain straight up doesn’t register it unless I go out of my way to monitor it and then I’m weird for doing so.

    Eye contact is a bit “intimate” IMO. You don’t need it for day-to-day conversation.

    I have eye contacted my wife, but I trust her. Not a regular occurrence. And even then it’s a bit odd, but it’s her, doesn’t bother me as much.

  • finkrat@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devc/unixsocks for more
    2 months ago

    There’s a lot of us neurodivergent folks in tech because it suits our needs better than a lot of other fields, and a lot of us just love technology

    We’re more prone to being LGBTQIA+ than neurotypical folks, scientifically documented

    Makes sense tech would have more trans folks as a result, we pad the numbers a lil bit

    This is of course a generalization and actual ND/LGBTQIA+ presence is going to vary based on job, location, how insufferable management is, etc, and not all NDs are LGBTQIA+ and vice versa.

  • Modern Israel is not Judaism! It’s not the same theocracy described in the old testament. It’s not even religiously pure, there’s a sizeable Christian and Muslim population. It’s perfectly valid to respect Jews and and their beliefs, and to criticize Netanyahu’s government for attempting to crush Palestine and kill its civilians indiscriminately in raids. Jewish folks in the US and abroad are joining in the protests to stop the war - this isn’t about being antisemitic, this is telling a very atrocious government to stop behaving as a similarly atrocious government did 80 years ago