• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • I don’t think Microsoft (or Apple) want people to have personal computers anymore in the way that PCs have historically existed. That is to say, they don’t want your computer capable of running arbitrary code of your choosing. They don’t want your computer to have the potential to do everything, to run everything, to make anything.

    They want to control and lock down all aspects of your machine and what it can do, retain ownership of hardware via software licenses, and monetize every click and keystroke.

    Microsoft doesn’t want you to have a functional computer anymore, they want you to have a dummy terminal that runs Office 365 and Copilot.

  • fiercekitten@lemm.eetohmmm@lemmy.worldhmmm
    17 hours ago

    As someone who cycles as my primary mode of transport for 8 months out of the year, I absolutely empathize with you about bad bicycle riders that endanger others.

    Where I live in the US, it’s legal to take as much of the lane as is needed to be safe. Often in the city that means riding in the middle of the lane so that I don’t get doored by parked cars, and sometimes it’s so cars have to completely move into the opposite lane to pass me – usually near intersections – because it’s the safest way for me to avoid getting physically pushed out of my lane. Many drivers don’t give a damn if they push a cyclist off the road or into a curb.

    Where I live It seems like most riders don’t alert when passing and it drive me nuts. They should know better.

    And finally, in the spirit of fairness, every bad habit you mentioned about cyclists can also be applied to cars, even driving on the damn sidewalk.

  • fiercekitten@lemm.eetoFuck Subscriptions@lemmy.worldEat shit Spotify.
    17 hours ago

    Talking about lyrics specifically?; they probably didn’t. That’s no reason to not make things more accessible to people with disabilities though. It’s about quality of life and making sure people with disabilities have equitable access.

    If having the lyrics available is an essential part of being able to enjoy the music, it should be as equally accessible as the music is.