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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This is also against clean code examples, because Uncle Bob seems to be allergic against function arguments and return values.

    I think this is your strawman version of “Clean Code”… not anything that’s actually in it…

    I “like” some parts of your example more than the previous one, but a lot of this depends on where exactly in the whole program this method is - if this method is on a “Salesman” class - does it make sense to pass the “Contract” in? If there’s a Contract class available, why doesn’t the “calculateCommission” method exist on it?

  • On the map of the level, pick a room near the center of the dungeon (as long as it’s not where players enter) and label it as “1”, circle this rooms in a random order, labeling them 2, 3, 4, etc., making sure rooms that have connections don’t have consecutive numers… keep circling outwards until all rooms have numbers. Then put the rooms in numerical order in the GM module book. Only refer to the room number on the map and the heading of the room. Don’t use the room number to reference exits from the current room either, just state things like “a cave exit is to the east and a wooden door is in the north wall”.

    The DM will constantly have to refer back and forth from the map to the book - and have to flip to random parts of the book since the numbers aren’t “in order”.

    For additional hate, make sure that north doesn’t point toward the top of the map, and/or don’t place a compass rose on the map.

    For even more additional hate, make the players hunt down opponents/creatures in the dungeon that also move through the dungeon as the players move rooms.