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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • dartanjinn@lemm.eetoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf hosted image editor?
    1 year ago

    What doesn’t make sense is your use of the term “offline editor” - it’s entirely nonsensical in this context. If they can’t use an offline editor, they won’t be any better with an online editor. It’s like saying you need a 4 door car because you can’t drive a 2 door car - it’s the same thing with more seats. Photo editing is photo editing regardless of where the software is hosted.

  • Fair point on Russia. I was under the impression we were sending rifles to Ukraine because they didn’t have any. I can admit when I was wrong. However, I will say a million guns in a nation with a population of 43M isn’t saying much for their defense strategy. Now moving on cause I’m embarrassed…

    I identified three different policies that you brought into the conversation as just that, different policies that you’re using to satisfy a point because it helps your argument rather than say “I guess it’s not exactly true.”

    Reciting the direct wording is not interpretation - it’s stating the wording as written. What is there to interpret about “shall not be infringed?” It’s as plain as it could possibly be.

    Safety is not guaranteed, whether guns exist or not, therefore, it is perceived no matter what angle from which it’s viewed.

    I don’t think I get your point on Germany - a state which seems to oppress it’s citizens would not disarm those it seems to oppress? If that’s your point it’s silly and I think you know that but I still don’t think that’s what you were trying to say.

    Of course it’s more of the same, lol that was the point.

    The genocide answer is that just because it hasn’t happened in those places (yet) doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t happen. It’s like saying “people in Nigeria need food” then responding “No they don’t, Brazil has plenty of food.”

    Ukraine was a dumb argument. Can we move on? Lol

  • Shifting your narrative into different wording to sidestep the point. You know exactly what I mean. I can tell you’re an intelligent person, don’t act dumb.

    I’m implying no interpretation. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed - it’s right there in plain text. It doesn’t get any more straightforward than that.

    I wasn’t saying what you clearly cited was opinion. Why is that one even here?

    It is perceived safety. If the wolf in your grandmother’s clothing invites you in the house, the safety is perceived, it’s not truly safe.

    As for history, shall we start with Germany? Say, somewhere around 1929? We could do Cambodia circa 1975… We could do China maybe 1935 or so? Tiananmen Square comes to kind but I’m not sure what part confiscation played there so just bringing it up cause, well, frankly, they couldn’t fight back. Wanna do Bosnia 1992? There’s always Afghanistan…now.

    You argue that it doesn’t always happen but I argue that it does happen period. I’ll take my chances. I hear Ukraine could use a few guns. Sure would have been useful to have them before the big R came knocking buildings over and killing civilians in the streets.

  • Laws are not protections. They give government license to punish you.

    Saying guns should be registered, then some people shouldn’t own guns, then felons shouldn’t own guns - you keep shifting your narrative to dodge the arguments. Pick one.

    The actual text of the amendment is not an interpretation - that’s literally what it says, word for word.

    They’re only preventable in the manner they happened which is past tense. You can’t say they wouldn’t have happened otherwise. Again, your opinion is wrong. You favor sacrificing liberty for a little bit of perceived safety. It seems you haven’t spent much time looking into the past other than some people died a couple years ago. Genocide has followed confiscation enough times in history that neither I nor anyone else should vote for any form of gun control because it’s nothing more than an easily digestible double speak that ultimately breaks down to mean confiscation. If you want to vote your liberties away, that’s on you. Stop encouraging people to jump off that bridge with you.

  • Well, as it happens, your opinion is wrong and that right there is why no one should have a say over who can have what.

    Some people should be responsible enough to not use guns negligently or aggressively but they do. Doesn’t mean you get to pick who does and doesn’t get one. It’s little statements like that one that expose little pieces of your sympathy to tyranny. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Gay black transgender democrat farmers on antidepressants with felony records should have the right to own guns. You don’t get to decide who’s worthy and who’s not.

  • Of that 50,000, how many were suicide? Should we register rope? How about table saws? Saw that one while I was doing biotrauma cleanup for a certain company with yellow trucks.

    I’ll go ahead and tell you - in 2021 54% we’re suicides. (https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/)

    43% we’re murders. Additionally, how many of that 43% were defensive shootings? Either home defense or individual self defense?

    Additionally how many of those were negligent discharges?

    I’ll go ahead and tell you - 549 we’re “accidental” (read: negligent)

    You can’t just throw out an arbitrary number and say government can make people less violent or depressed or more responsible by giving themselves more power. That’s not how the world works. People will find a way to be violent to themselves or others or just plain irresponsible but the actions of a few should absolutely NOT curtail the rights of the many.

    Registration leads to confiscation. That’s now an established fact. While we’re comparing our country to others, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Norway and Canada have all, in recent times, banned and confiscated registered firearms. Australia and Canada have been particularly egregious about it.

    People are not dying “over” it. A far majority of those deaths would have happened regardless given that only 549 were “accidents.”

    Suicide and murder will take place regardless of means or method. By trying to give more power to an already overstepping government, you’re throwing stones to topple rocks. Solve problems, don’t replace them.

  • Children are being killed over gun rights? Either you’re full of shit or you’re admitting children are being killed by the state for emotional reactions like yours.

    Saying criminals are not going to register their guns is not a strawman, it’s the absolute factual truth which you willingly refuse to accept.

    Do you need to register your right to speak in public? That wouldn’t be an infringement on your right to free speech, would it? Do you need to register your right to not speak to avoid self incrimination? No. Do you need to register your right to protection from unlawful search and seizure? Nope.

    You register for privileges, not rights. I don’t care if you don’t like it. In fact, the courts don’t care if you don’t like it. Just ask Michelle Grisham what people think of your bullshit.

  • Nope. There is no and should not be a requirement to register to express a right that clearly states it shall not be infringed. Not a chance. Once again, showe a criminal with bad intentions who’s going to register his firearms he bought out of the back of a van. You can’t because they don’t exist. Registration would only make things worse for everyone. Especially a publicly searchable registry where home invaders could add that little step to planning out which homes they’re going to invade.

    Any and every requirement is a barrier to your right to bear arms and is an infringement because people like you think you sit on some high horse when in reality it’s you making life worse for everyone involved. Stop it.