On hiatus if not gone from beehaw. Beehaw was good in theory, but they are similar to the east coast liberals mlk jr wrote about. Centists for religion aint my cup of tea, considering all the harm it has and continues to cause. It doesn’t make a queer feel safe at all.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Truthfully? It’s not a thing i think can be easily mastered for some people. Myself, i just try not to be embarrassed and just be honest i am bad with names from the beginning.

    “I’m so sorry, im so bad with names, i may have to ask you a few times!” And even in professional work i have luckily had no one be unreasonable about it.

    I understand that’s probably area specific, but i also learned my family made a bigger deal about it than really matters professionally, and that confidence, even when you have memory issues, seems to help smooth over things.

    It also took being homeless and being unable to focus because of that, it was learn to laugh it off and make it known to those around me i wasnt going to be shamed or anxious about my own mistakes. (Even if i am a lot behind my mask, i do my best not to show it).

  • I’m not sure why “I don’t want to see a space become an echo chamber” is always what gets said. Everywhere else IS a right wing echo chamber for the most part? Conservatives aren’t the ones chased from reddit and twitter?

    What probably isnt welcome is questioning people’s right to exist, right to live unmolested because of someone else’s beliefs (and real molested, not "i saw a minority existed), and the right to make your own medical choices for yourself and your kids. Considering means testing has been proven a waste and the right opposes taxing fair share, i wouldn’t even argue that actual financial conservation is even a point the party makes.

    So it’s really hard to see what need this space has for those talking points. Unless it’s actually about being open to real discussion, which frankly facts aren’t often on the side of the right, what good to this community do these ideas offer?

    What should be asked is what place does the Right/Conservative philosophy as a whole have in the Lemmy ethos? Is it in and of itself could be argued to be an antithesis to the whole structure and philosophy. Can authoritarian ideals thrive where they cannot take power?