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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • have you ever considered not being a dick about things? You’re not the ultimate arbiter of what’s difficult, other people experience things differently and for me the constant hashtags and the way these people write most certainly makes the dense sections difficult to parse.

    Do you just like, burst into flames when you encounter dyslexic people?

  • people who seriously think stuff like that is real don’t subscribe to the same model of reality as we do, they just merrily invent models to describe things in whatever way enables their delusions.

    they don’t think of radio as anything so fancy as waves or particles, it’s just a nebulous concept that works however they need it to for them to justify their insane beliefs.

  • that’s vague at best and doesn’t make sense, if i’m going out of my way to not buy their stuff how the fuck would that make me somehow subconsciously buy their stuff anyways?

    No, the ads that work are the ones that don’t fill you with disgust, the ones that just remind you that a product/brand exists.

    And even then, an ad that actively makes me want the product is just obviously going to be the best one, you can’t make me believe that an infuriating ad is somehow better than “oh wow that’s great, i’m putting that on my shopping list right now!”