• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2024


  • I probably won’t watch the video later, but my funny story is once I was walking home from the pub, quite intoxicated, and one was in the middle of the road, it ran away but only about 1m up a tree, so I thought hmm this little larrikin seems friendly enough il go for a little pat, slowly approached, he didn’t move, reached out, he didn’t move, got to about half a hand away from his head, then the little cunt bit me right on the finger tip, I yelled, he flew up the tree, I continued my way home cursing him and his attitude, by the time I’d got home I had realised that I was in the wrong, he in fact was a wild animal and I’d disobey the rule of don’t stick your fingers where you wouldn’t stick your dick.

  • I just don’t agree on that. Surely you heard about the guy who stabbed 6 people to death in a Sydney about 2 months ago, if 1 person can kill 6 people in a huge shopping mall, then the same could easily happen to two people in a house. The reason, like I side before, this guy has gone out to kill, if he’d had a knife he wouldn’t of just stabbed the first person in the arm and stopped, he would of aimed for the chest or throat, the out come would of been the same.

    Yes, agree red flags were present, and from my understanding ever raised on the day, with multiple calls to police, which I believe should of be acted upon sooner with the information at hand, but they worked to there guide lines so idk that whole subject could be argued back and forth for months.

    Agree you can’t punish someone who hasn’t done anything, yet you want to ban handguns form people who abide by the law?, by that logic we should ban cars should we not?