Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2021

  • I wouldn’t be so sure about this being brand-destroying. Activision-Blizzard and Ubisoft have been exposed as being full of harrassment and toxic work culture too, and they’re still doing just fine. Maybe Linus himself will fuck off somewhere in disgrace, but the brand itself will live on. In a way, it was the perfect time for these allegations to come out as they’ve not long got themselves a new CEO. He can claim that he knew nothing about what was going on there, and make empty promises about how things will be different now he’s in charge, etc.

  • I assume they were talking about this interaction:

    The US fled Afghanistan and the Taliban won. Mind you, while I don’t like the Taliban, it’s better for them to be in charge than the colonial occupier the US had been trying to act as for 20 fucking years. If there is to be hope for Afghanistan in the dilemma between the Taliban and US, we must agree that the local force that actually has some stake in the country doing well is the better option.

    Hardly a defence of the Taliban’s ideology or methods. As for the stuff about DPRK, well… libs gonna lib.

  • Same thing happened in Vietnam. In fact, public opinion only really changed after the politicians started saying that it was ‘time to scale down US involvement’ or whatever, which only came years after many people in the Whitehouse realised the war was unwinnable. In the meantime, and despite all the famous protests and anti-war marches, the public was pretty happy to follow the official line that America was the good guy and that communism had to be stopped.

    You could do an interesting analysis of this phenomenon using Gramsci’s idea of Cultural Hegemony as a framing device.