• 20 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • Limited political pluralism, realized with constraints on the legislature, political parties and interest groups.

    If you’re talking about overton window size, this seems to apply more strongly to bourgeois democracy? The difference between fascist and liberal seems a lot smaller than the range of political opinion you’d find within the CPC or the old CCCP. I would recommend watching some translated videos of normal national assembly meetings in socialist countries

    Political legitimacy based upon appeals to emotion and identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat “easily recognizable societal problems, such as underdevelopment or insurgency”.

    Socialist countries base their legitimacy on having more thorough democratic representation than bourgeois democracies. Look up participatory democracy and whole process peoples democracy and compare that to bourgeois theories of democracy. Maybe also look up democratic centralism and the notion of strong vs weak delegates.

    Minimal political mobilization, and suppression of anti-regime activities.

    There are over 100 million members of the CPC. In Vietnam every couple hundred people have a dedicated party representative that is their designated point of contact with the party. Do you have a designated point of contact for your neighborhood?

    Ill-defined executive powers, often vague and shifting, which extends the power of the executive.

    Socialist countries, with the exemption of during ww2 when fighting against the nazis, generally have a weaker executive more subject to discipline than capitalist countries.

    And when you compare ww2 ussr to ww2 Britain you’ll probably see the ussr as more democratic, and that is while 1/6 of their population was being exterminated

  • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlElections
    12 days ago

    Exploiting cheap workers in inhumane conditions, resembling 19th century capitalism. Exactly what communism was supposed to end. China is getting robotized somewhat, since its society ages dramatically, but they want to keep polluting the world with cheap throwaways.

    Taking everything you said as true, that isn’t imperialist though. Imperialism is a specific thing, have you read any academic writings on imperialism?

    DPRK constantly threaten South Korea and Japan. Apart the famous missile launches, it performs abductions, drug smuggling, marine poaching, and spying. And we have cyber attacks as well. The country is too shitty to invade another country full scale, but it does what it can do to be a bully, officially uses imperialist rhetorics and throw threats.

    Taking everything you say is true, that also isn’t imperialism

    The elections were carried out in such a way, that an average worker had no chance to vote for a social demoratic party, anarchist party, or liberal democratic party. They even killed their communist opposition, Mensheviks. There is no democracy with a single party system, don’t be ridiculous.

    Okay, see my original point about not being informed.

    Setting aside manufactured famine in Ukraine and genocides like Katyn, very cautious estimates says that around 30 millions of people were victims of gulag, with lethal 2,7 million victims. This is probably massive underestimation, since many of gulag documents were destroyed in 2014. But hey, the mortality rate was smaller than in Nazi death camps, great job USSR! /s

    Your estimate should be 1.7 million, Nazis aren’t people remember?

  • Lol, no. Power was incredibly monopolized by the bolsheviki and their Komisars.

    Okay so the first problem is that you’re basing your ideas around the soviet union on popular western media and not an actual understanding of how the system worked.

    Here is a fun rabbit hole to go down… how did too much horizontalism lead to a failure to cyberize the planned economy ala cybersyn?

    The video used the same definition. I never claimed it was congruent with the essay on the anarchist library.


    It’s ok, if you didn’t get the video. How is steam a monopolization of power?

    The decisions made regarding the nature and circumstances of operation impose restrictions on all operatives in the system, ergo decisions made on a local level affect everyone. It is the monopolization of the use of literal power (and torque) unless you reject specialization, it is the imposition of authority. And rejecting specialization on a practical societal level requires a massive imposition of authority.

    Do you know the difference between a free and an imperative mandate?

    Yes, are you asking a ML if they don’t understand the difference between strong and weak delegates? Y’all know democratic centralism is our thing right? Which is a much more thorough application of the principle.

    The robbery example would not be authority, but force, according to the anarchist essay.

    LOL. Someone pointing a gun at you and giving you instructions isn’t authority? It isn’t the monopolization of violence in this context?

    The essay’s author doesn’t view self-defense as “blind obedience”, hence they don’t think it is authority.

    The essays author establishes that some anarchists define self defense as a justifiable exercise in authority.

    You claim that the anarchist definition is incomplete, which you try to prove with Engels’ definition.

    No, the argument is that the anarchist definition isn’t grounded in materialism.

    I say that no anti-authoritarian uses the same definition as Engels and the cycle continues.

    That is because Engels is a dialectical materialist and convinced that definitions grounded in dialectical materialism are superior- his problem is that anarchists are being idealist in their definition, and that they should embrace a more coherent definition of it.

    Just admit that you don’t want to consider anarchist perspectives.

    I spent a couple years reading anarchist literature, and turned to reading marxist lit when the anarchists started giving unsatisfactory explanations.

    This might be your pipeline. But I would suggest avoiding wasting time on YouTube.