Kuori [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2020


  • hi, i live in capitalist florida and my human rights are worth about as much as week-old dogshit. if you’re pro-nato or pro-u.s. then you are anti-lgbt rights

    as an interesting note of comparison, china, while historically quite bad on trans issues, has been making pretty impressive strides as of late, even opening their very first gender clinic (for children) a few years back

    idk what you’re going on about “their ideology is incompatible with lgbt rights” a plurality of people on hexbear are some variety of gay or trans or both (like me!). i’m pretty sure a solid 70% of our userbase would commit a murder with their bare hands if it could meaningfully improve the station of lgbt people even a single iota

    your entire comment is very ignorant. ironically it’s probably closer to propaganda than anything you’ll see on hexbear

  • damn girl, i understand that trajectory all too well! i also went from “virulently anti-religious” to “okay we can all be chill” to “mmmmm maybe you lot should be sent to the gulag by trans furry catgirls or whatever, if you’re gonna keep acting like this

    as ugly as that feeling can be sometimes, anger at your oppressor is a natural impulse for the oppressed, and a righteous one in my opinion. all they have to do to get us to stop hating them is to stop trying to kill us. you’d think it wouldn’t be a big ask, but…