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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Thank you for a well-written response. I think I am just starting from the different position, having experienced more positive effects from English influence than negative ones, in my country at least.

    My experience on social media mostly skewed my view towards “anyone can say anything, and it looks like there’s a lot of hateful things people want to say” for Britain or any other democratic country. As a result, I see the anti-queer sentiment, but know from what I see daily in real life it could be much worse.

    In my experience, the Christian (well, orthodox for that matter) church is right now very reluctant to accept LGBTQ+ people, with state-wide position being non-tolerant, and individual priests being accepting, if you are lucky. This is wrong. This must be better. The same, I think, can be said about Catholic Church, yet I didn’t have direct experience with that. Still, it’s better (again, for my region) than Muslim-majority regions being in a murderous position about the same group of people. It’s a lousy choice, but still, in a choice between “you are a disgusting sinner” and “you don’t deserve to exist, and your own family will murder you” the latter looks much worse.

    Maybe I am not opposing Islam per se, maybe I just think that Islam is inextricably linked with “non-secular form of governance”, and that alone is enough for me to condemn such states more than any form of British influence.

  • In Russia. I think it’s the perspective that matters but I’d take British colonialism any day over the genocidal shitshow we have here, even putting Ukraine aside and focusing on LGBTQ+ for the sake of the argument. In comparison, the homophobia in the UK/US, while problematic, is relatively tame, e.g., it does not call all the LGBTQ+ people terrorists and extremists as official government rhetoric. And as for pre-2022, number 1 rule for an LGBTQ+ person living in an Islamic regionin Russia would be “don’t you even try to suggest that you are queer if you want to live”.

    I kind of get the grievances towards the British colonialism and homophobia of the past (which incidentally gets a lot of whataboutism from some Russians I know: “What about Alan Turing! What about India!”), but for the present the British/American media is THE BEST thing that has happened in Russia to stop vilifying and demonizing LGBTQ+, and I just can’t wrap my head around the reverse situation.

  • Both on Android, and iOS, opting out of notifications solves most of the problems. You can do all on your own time without constant nagging, and leave notifications on for the communication channels you really need.

    However, what I hate with passion are shopping and delivery apps that suffer with disabled notifications (I don’t know when things arrive, and that would ideally be good to know within seconds), but enabled notifications mean that there would be a lot of spam notifications about ordering and buying more.

  • Trying frantically to remember some recs too but nothing that fits exactly comes to mind except those already mentioned. Probably Cultist Simulator? Though it has frustrating moments where you seem to exhaust all available options and hit the wall without noticing some seemingly random option you have to try. Maybe also Sorcery! series — the more branches you try, the more complete picture of the world you get.

  • So that I can play Stardew Valley at highest FPS possible of course.

    Joking aside, I have encountered problems with graphics card driver, specifically in Apex Legends (it took them ages to fix crashing mid-match with NVIDIA problem) and AC Valhalla (there was a slight gain in FPS, though it might have been a placebo). Also, the first thing I usually do when experiencing some lag is updating the drivers. It doesn’t always help, but sometimes it does.

    And I simply don’t like the state of devices when there’s anything to update — it may be Windows, iOS, Android updates, or apps updates, or drivers updates, or Node.js package updates. That’s a me problem, and in case of Node updating usually brings more problems than it solves, but it just feels better when everything is on the latest version.

  • Frogodendron@beehaw.orgto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    6 months ago

    There’s a top comment here being kind and welcoming but I’m concerned about overburdening the person with responses after many other people have answered.

    Similarly, it’s difficult in discord servers to provide some comment of substance (sometimes a find a right moment, post, and disappear for months lol), and talking without substance feels weird.