• 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023


  • Je pense honnêtement au troll type 4chan. La provocation, les intox, les insultes et la fraîcheur du compte ne laissent pas de doute.

    La technique contre ces clowns, surtout dans les communautés généralistes, c’est de ne pas répondre aux attaques personnelles, de contrer les intox avec des sources, et de passer le message qu’il s’agit d’un troll.

    Nous ne sommes pas sur Reddit, la commu francophone est petite et le troll ne trouvera pas son audience et va se décourager assez vite s’iel ne ramasse pas les réactions escomptées.

    Ça cherche la merde un peu partout, et ça va la trouver.

  • I’ll concede that my example was bad because of the manual overrides, that’s true. Someone with more info about how those cars work can probably come up with a better one.

    That said, the firefighters should not know about the battery jumping tricks. This should not be a thing, because it’s absolutely ridiculous. And the idea that they should be trained to learn about something so futile because some smartasses decided they wanted to “disrupt the personal transportation space” is frankly revolting. Sorry nerds, you are not that special that the world should stop its course and start revolving around you.

    And yes, as others have said, other brands are just as braindead if they do the same thing the shitty Teslas do.