Farman [any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2022


  • This but unironically. In medieval total war 2 everythinh except for things like elephants had 1 hitpoint. And a certain chance to recive damage based on atack and defence values. So if the model was hit it died. And it looked much cooler. Contrast that with modern total war games like warhammer where there are health bars. a cavalary charge would send some dudes flying 20mm into the air and after bouncing several times they get up and walk back. Arrows and misiles also work in wierd ways. With the unit loosing sometimes half of its health before anybody dies.

  • Prehaphs i wss not clear. The important part is not that the hogs are allocating funds to tesla is why they are doing it. Because the rate of profit is very low. This tells us that western societies are well into the canibalistic phase. This also means that the societies ability to resist stocastic shocks is decreasing.

    In my analogy i mention the 1315 famine, a few years were a bit too wet. Grain yields fell a little and a lot of people died. The thing is that those climatic variations are very common but they only cause a famine when the rate of change in land productivity with respect to labor is low enough. This makes the society unable to react to these shoks that normally wouldnt be a problem. By 1315 standards of living had been on the decline for over a generatio(as they are now).

    In the elite sphere it means wealth bexomes more concentrated class conciousnes and solidarty breaks down so that they are less wigling to coperate. And eventually it all inevitably ends in an orgy of cannibalism.

    While the rate of profit plays a sligthly different role than the rate of chang in land productivity with respect to labor. It is also related to a societies ability to react to crisies and to how canibalistic its elites get.

    We see more rash imperialist adventures, we see them eating europen industry, we see them play scams on each other more brazenly. Etc.

    It also means that same military is less likley to adapt to changes because there is neither will nor enough unclaimed surplus for that. It means its not worth it to hold dollars because us investments ate not profitable.