Proud to be woke

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • I don’t know it just reminded me that the jail equals suicide beforehand for me and that works pretty good as a deterrent from bigger theft, drunk driving etc.

    Some would say “don’t drunk drive cause you can kill someone”, I’d say “don’t kill someone cause you will go to jail”.

    I only do small stuff like really small to get that illegal thrill scratch scratched. And great thrill it is indeed. I don’t even detonate random diy explosives anymore. Boring as fuck but it is the life. The days of illegal thrills are over as soon as you cross the magic 18 yo barrier and can be sentenced as an adult.

    Now we are all responsible boring saints who have them strong moral opinions on curing world hunger

  • Okay lol, how am I hard on myself? Projecting…

    I am not really built like most people. I don’t have some kind of self image that can be harmed or damaged. The only common denominator is lack of care so to say which is interesting and I only got to fully see it through psychedelics. It’s rather entertaining to delve into your psyche and dissect it, it’s fun. And fun is my number one interest and it’s really not easy to fuel my fun meter constantly.

  • Social media greatest tragedy is giving us the illusion that we are doing something. That we care.
    No. If you care you do. If you don’t do - you don’t care, you are just lying to yourself that you do.

    You just cannot handle the reality of not being such a good, caring person as you imagine yourself to be hence you write a post on twitter, you read an article, you press the like button. It’s easy. Bam your precious self image is saved.