

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • Temperature is not scalar

    Messers Rankine, Kelvin and even Fahrenheit would beg to differ… Temperature is scalar, however it’s effects on living things is generally not mostly owing to chemistry.

    The claim that a 40° C jump in Sub-Zero temperatures is tolerable, but wouldn’t be in the UK or whatever they’re saying in this article… That’s nonsense

    Au contraire my dear fellow. For a human, the article is entirely correct. A rise of 40° C in a particularly cold place is indeed tolerable for a human. A similar rise in, say, the UK today would put the temperature at 52° C - hotter than Death Valley on a well above average day and considerably less tolerable.

    Of course a single recorded rise in temperature isn’t a good indication of climate…

  • I am broadly in favour of independence, however not on the terms currently apparently promoted by Plaid - nationalism has limited use in the world today unless you are big enough and ugly enough to ignore what others might think.

    Whatever the ultimate destiny of Wales, it won’t be a success if we are lead by people blaming the current situation entirely on Westminster and refusing to engage with the larger nation next door.

    There seems to be a tendency, here in the Valleys as well as in Wales at large, to abdicate “personal” responsibility - everything is someone else’s problem (Westminster, local authority, police whoever can be conveniently blamed but never, ever, the locals or their actions) sadly, in the political arena, this plays right into the Tory playbook - they are masters of divide and conquer, having spent much of history doing just that.