“No need for bombs when hate will do” ~ Ulysses

  • 8 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 3rd, 2024


  • I’m not an expert in communes, nor the type of associations one would have with that. But I think an important question grounded in analysis would be to ask yourself why it is that communes have come and failed in America or elsewhere and why certain ones lasted so long.

    Most importantly; how would having a communist ideology prevent that collapse that seems inevitable for these insular projects?

  • What a shit-show that thread was. For some strange reason, the warped mind runs sickeningly deep in every corner of the culture of the west. The inherent need for blood in exchange for justice that was designed through every facet of our media, our art, our relationships with each other in an fierce individualism that demands “justification” for why a person themselves should change or adjust to the conditions around them.

    A design to slaughter Native-Americans, to separate the sick, the poor, the different. To make a culture where even if there is no divide, to create one. It’s something that we all must fight every day. I wanted to ask, are you leaving? I appreciated your posts.

  • Or…organize and consolidate power amongst the people around you.

    A good chunk of us participate in autonomy; growing our own food, going vegan, not participating in blatant consumerism and monopolized economy. There’s also quite a few posts that have been…removed… for talking about “revolutionary actions”. You can think about it for maybe two seconds if you pull those brain-cells together why that might be. HMMMMMMM.

    But yeah, thought-terminating cliché is the typical response of your kind when confronted with actual agitative ideals. It results in a sort of cognitive dissonance you have where that in order to be a revolutionary you gotta go full Uncle Ted or you’re just a illegitimate who doesn’t VOOOOOOTE for your bullshit genocidaires.

  • No thanks. I prefer organizing and agitating for direct change. When enough people do that; they can start doing things by force, however that may look. We are not here to “participate” in electoral politics, nor are we interested in “lessons” in how to succeed in the system.

    Your ignorance of the average American’s financial system is astounding. Millions live paycheck to paycheck. Even asking 1% of your paycheck can be the difference between actual meals and a pack of ramen. Additional part-time jobs are on the rise in guise of “Rising employment!”. The system that you’re giving us advice on how to “succeed” is completely built upon foundations of violence, exploitation and destruction of the human spirit, ecology/nature and civilization itself to which it spreads it’s cancerous doctrine by bloodied marching boot to nations that don’t heel towards the private interests of America.

    Lower interest rates don’t fix rental feudalism nor the ability for one to buy 20+ homes and influence local housing markets. Nor does it fix efforts by real-estate development to push lower-income people out and gentrify their neighorhoods. A ROTH IRA, 401k doesn’t pay my fucking 2,000 dollar+ rent in an area that has actual jobs to support the cost of rent. You shouldn’t HAVE fucking debt for education, healthcare, or for basic functions to grow and survive. Voting doesn’t fix a predatory system that demands pounds of flesh for existence.

    You can cherry-pick all the examples about whatever senseless nonsense about other nations; but no single one has a count of interventions and mass-destruction like America and the “system” you want us to “succeed” in.

    “Just buy a starter home and good luck on social security! Gotta give your retirement to private corporations!”


    Here’s another one to any liberal out there: I’m not voting and a good chunk of this fucking board isn’t voting for genocide nor interested in participating in the circus.