
I was wondering how this rule is enforced.

    • MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Capitalism is where the people do most of the work and the wealthy oligarchs/plutocrats get most of the benefit.

      Communism is where the people do most of the work and the government/cleptocrats get most of the benefit.

      Socialism is where the people do most of the work and the people get most of the benefit.

      Libertarianism is FAR more closely aligned with socialism than it is with fascism. The fascists have just coopted libertarianism, Prosperity Libertarianism, to say, “I’ve got mine, fuck you.”

      I want the smallest government possible to effectively run the country. I want the government to leave me the fuck alone and not tell me who I can love, fuck, or marry, how I can dress, what I can and can’t do with my body, what I can eat or drink or smoke. I want a government that works FOR the people not against them. I don’t want the government and the police to be the enforcement arm for corporations and the wealthy. I don’t want corporations writing laws to benefit them at the expense of the people. I don’t want the government propping up corporations. If they fail, they fail and another will rise to take their place. If it’s a better it will succeed and survive. If not it will fail and be replaced again. I want unions everywhere. They protect workers and increase productivity.

      I’m also smart enough that the only solution to a social problem is a social solution. The US government has spent more than $1.5 trillion dollars since 1976 fighting the “war on drugs” and drugs won. All the war on drugs did was make a bunch of rich people richer.

        • MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          What do you think I’m redefining? The right always points to Marxism for its example of socialism. Marxism and socialism are VERY different. Is Sweden a Marxist society? Norway? Finland? Canada?

          socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it.

          I don’t know about you but I believe that everyone SHOULD be entitled to a share of what they produced. Taking what they produce and giving it to an oligarch who gives them a pittance in return sounds very much like theft to me.

          • jerkface@lemmy.ca
            1 year ago

            I don’t know whether you’re being disingenuous when you play dumb about redefining things that you don’t like and using loaded language, or if you’re just that far gone. Either way… I’m the stupid one here for engaging in the first place.

            Then you go off on a bunch of ideological shit that I never said thing one about. You’re arguing with the voices in your head again.

            I’ve seen the stupid shit you say before, but I won’t in the future. Problem solved.

            • MapleEngineer@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              Why are you so upset? You seem to be the only person here hurling insults. Perhaps you need to do a bit of self-reflection.

              Maybe start here. The only person trying to redefine socialism is you. You’re using the One True Scotsman fallacy to try to define all socialism at Marxism which is disingenuous.

    • BloodForTheBloodGod@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      For the longest time, Libertarian was a polite word for Anarchist. Then it was stolen.

      And Anarchists are socialists. Libertarian Socialism can then either be Anarchism, or it can be Socialism or Communism which is otherwise anti-authoritarian or skeptical of state power.

      You could arguably label someone like Rosa Luxembourg a libertarian socialist.