When either logged in at lemmy.ml or merely just visiting, I can’t see the community [email protected], which does exist and is visible from (at least) midwest.social, lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works.

At the bottom of my posts (please see below Examples) there are three links to communities I’m involved in. From lemmy.ml clicking the first two links work correctly. [email protected] doesn’t.

When following a direct link to https://lemmy.ml/c/[email protected] it lands on an error page:


The server returned this error: couldnt_find_community. This may be useful for admins and developers to diagnose and fix the error

Refreshing the page multiple times, which usually resolves the problem on the first refresh, does nothing in this case.

Any insights? Thank you.

EDIT 2024-05-01, 19:33:20, CEST: after literally weeks and hundreds of tries (possibly thousands) https://lemmy.ml/c/[email protected] works. No longer do I see the error page. I theorize that previously I was the only one looking for that community on the lemmy.ml instance but maybe someone else saw this post, possibly @[email protected], and tried to browse [email protected], thus “propagating the federation”…?

Oh, the many mysteries of Lemmy, the Tupolev TU-144 of social media®.