Gendered question, I know. If you don’t identify as a man, please feel free to answer with whatever you want. I meant to post it in the Men’s Lib sub but somehow it always bugs for me.

Let’s spill the tea lads

I like painting my nails.

I like gardening and I take great pride in my plants and upcoming indoor veggie and herb garden.

I dance when I go out.

I like bright colors.

I like candles that smell nice.

I like flowers.

I like Harry Styles.

I like crocheting.

Whatever you like, be proud of it. There is no such thing as liking something unmanly. Nothing can harm your manliness. Do what you want.

    1 year ago

    Idk what constitutes many and non manly anymore. I guess growing plants and gardening type stuff is not “manly”? I have a lot of amaryllis flowers that bloom every year. I have 4 that I raised from seeds from my very first one. They bloomed a year ago. It takes 3 years of growth minimum before the bloom. They have some huge flowers. I have like 23 different ones now. 4 varieties. The first one is a pure red and I saved it. My mom got it as a gift for Xmas and after it bloomed she just threw the bulb out. I found it and repotted it. It bloomed on valentine’s day. I call it my plant GF.

    We also have moonflowers that grow all around our house. The local bees love them and I like going out in the evenings mid to late summer when they are all open cause they smell amazing.

    I also like fermenting foods. Idk if that’s considered not manly or anything but I like it and it’s fun to me.