So this was an absolute game-changer for me, but it was also something I didn’t even consider as a potential option until about 4 years into my BDD.

When I look back, I find it really surprising I didn’t at all consider it, but by the chance I’m not an outlier, I’d like to make men aware that this is a something they can consider.

On the website on the Cosmetic camouflage page, it says this:

‘Cosmetic camouflage has been shown to improve the quality of life significantly. It improves patient self-esteem and creates a sense of personal well-being.’

This is when I first had the notion that this was something I could try, and I haven’t looked back since.

At least for me, getting my skin to look initially better was really not much effort and surprisingly not one person noticed I had anything on my face.

However I am still getting better and better at using it. I recommend allowing yourself some time to learn how to do it before giving up on it, as does DermNet: ‘It may take some practice to achieve a satisfactory final appearance.’

Also I highly recommend It’s a reputable, non-profit dermatology resource with guides for people with any kind of skin-related questions, and it was recommended to me by my Doctor.

And if you’d like confirmation that this can be effective treatment for BDD, see this video, a video brought to my attention by @[email protected] (thank you Sora!) which is made by the BDD Foundation (you can see the community sidebar for details on this organisation but in short it’s a very helpful BDD support charity). And here is a screenshot of the part of the video with the confirmation: A table with the heading 'SOME DIFFERENCES IN APPROACH'. In the second row down and third row across 'Can be helpful e.g. concealer for scars' is circled

Thanks for reading, and I hope this might be of use to someone :)