Hello friends, if you’re a Zoomer like me (Well maybe, I was born in '96 so I’m either the last Millennial or the first Gen Z) you may have noticed that we’re often the butt of many jokes. “The worst generation of snowflakes ever” or something of that nature. I will admit, we seem a little strange compared to old folks but when you actually take a step back and look at the facts it makes perfect sense.

  1. Zoomers have dumb language. One of the biggest things Zs get mocked for is lingo: Skibidibop rizz with the gyatt, deadass smh at my goofy ahh uncle. Took me a while to realize it, but when’s it’s not just memespeak the reason there are so many nonsense words floating around now is because big tech and social media has become so ludicrously censor happy that you need to talk like a fucking baby to avoid getting your post flagged for one reason or another. Even saying too many normal words in the “wrong order” is enough to get shadowbanned these days.

  2. Kids are inside and on their phones too much. What the fuck else are you expecting them to do? Putting aside the 2 year lockdown due to a pandemic, there’s not many options for outside activities. Parks and playgrounds and other things just aren’t safe a lot of the times. Whether it’s animals, shady characters, or the jungle gym being delapidated. Teens can’t go to the malls anymore because they’re all closing and anywhere they gather is immediately swarmed with the cops. Nowadays, you go to any big city and the most happening spot is a McDonald’s or something because at least you can eat and socialize without getting dirty looks.

  3. Z’s are immature and rely on their parents for everything. I had a professor tell me that a not insignifigant amount of zoomers show up to job interviews with their parents and that’s bad. I’ll admit that everyone needs to grow up eventually but…when did attentive parents become a bad thing? Most older people I know had a bad relationship with their folks or they passed away early, so they were forced to mature sooner. Now this one is purely subjective because I can’t speak for every 20 something and their parents but this just seems like another generational gap that’s caused by shifting social values.

I can go on but I just had to jot all this down. The kids aren’t crazy, you’re just just not noticing how hard they’ve been hit by the downward spiral of the western world.

  • kivork [he/them]@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    I remember when people were saying that texting and abbreviations like LOL were the end of books and language as we know it.

    A lot of this is just old people looking to blame the woes of society on a group they are definitively not part of. Can’t be because of capitalism that people are living with their parents, if that were the case then maybe old people would have to accept some blame.

    • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      My view is that every generation has a definining trait (or several) that is result of qualitative development from the development of society, in this case boomers defining trait is having no accountability.

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        ngl I pick up zoomerisms despite being millennial - posters are ageless strings of text, the concept of “generation” is now even more absurd

        • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          I do too, its just inspiration and I think its a positive thing. I pick them up usually because I find them funny and want to share it.

  • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    To your first point, most Black millennials either made up 99% slang used today (with some residuals from the previous gens, gotta give credit), i.e. “goofy ahh” is how you’d sound if you said goofy ass out loud irl, with certain accents sometimes skipping over the “s” sound (personally I say the whole joint but it’s personal preference)

    So really it’s just AAVE being stolen, watered down and regurgitated so all the white suburban kids can sound cool. And they just chalk it up to “online speak”, like nah you’re appropriating a whole dialect, and that’s why you sound so goofy.

    • 0mod5@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      Yep, and now people can make fun of it without the obvious dog whistles because it has been so far removed from Black people. I’ve seen people make fun of the way Black influencers talk online under the guise of making fun of “Gen Z speak”.

      • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
        8 months ago

        It’s the reason we keep having to make up new shit tbh but the problem is that with the internet giving people such easy access to our culture it’s impossible to do anything about…at the end of the day it would be nice for people to just respect our culture but can’t have that 💀

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    Also on that third point, how the fuck is it the kid’s fault their parents hover over them like a helicopter? All of this “the kids these days are entitled and spoiled” stuff blames the kids, but the kids aren’t the ones spoiling themselves, it’s the previous generation that raised them that is at fault for being shit parents.

  • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    One of the biggest things Zs get mocked for is lingo:

    Okay, I’ll cop to this one, but that’s because these little hee-haws, huly-hoops, and other et cetera won’t stop lifting AAVE and bastardizing it even worse than millennial 4channers do.

    • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      THIS. Nevermind where do you think they got “deadass” from in the first place? Been talking like this since high school (Class of 2010), I remember it being much more natural and cool then but now…“rizz”…? Really…? I don’t remember signing off on that one at the last AAVE meeting 😂 ion know if that’s ours

  • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    Everything they say about GenZ is also things they said about millenials, of which I am, and which I’m sure they said about Xers and before as well.

    Especially going to job interviews with your parents… I actually learned it was super common for Xers to have their parents negotiate everything for them, including jobs. Sometimes they might not even take you to the interview with them lol, at least there’s some progress.

    When I was young it was the walkman that was gonna be the ruin of society. You actually had psychologists on TV giving their theories as to how the youth uses the walkman to further alienate themselves from society or whatever. And in the 80s they had the Satanic cults panic lol.

    They also said we were lazy, that we wanted everything handed to us, that we didn’t want to work… and the same people that said that 10 years ago are saying that again but against GenZ. 20 years ago we spent too much time on the TV and it was gonna rot our brain, and now kids apparently spend too much time on the phone and it’s gonna melt their eyes lol.

    • Mzuark@lemmygrad.mlOP
      8 months ago

      Looking into the job stuff specifically, it kinda sounds like the employers in question are mad that college graduates have a sense of self worth and don’t want to get paid peanuts. One of the big complaints is that young people have “unreasonable salary expectations” and that could mean a billion different things in this economy.

      • Its the no body wants to work, I dont know anyone who doesn’t want to work, i know people who dont want to work for penuts, or cannot magoc 5 years experience right out of collage, and no one with 5 years experience want an entry level job

        • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          That’s it. Many people would be glad to work their way up from an entry level position that doesn’t need years of higher ed and a pricetag of $000s. Those jobs just don’t exist unless you’re connected. And if you’re connected, you’re not really working you’re way up, anyway.

    • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      Maybe the real question is not whether this or that generation is the most spoiled, etc. But whether boomers are the most brainwashed into thinking they got everything through their own personal hard work, grit, and determination. I’m sure it wasn’t always easy but the mere fact of workers being able to get an affordable education and nice house is pretty much unheard of in any other era. To hear them tell it, everyone else is a weakling for not building their own house while working 16 hours a day without nutritional food.

      Either that, or we only hear so much about boomer complaints because their kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids are all online talking shit about the general lack of boomer self-awareness. (There are some good boomers, mind you.)

  • Jennie@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    I think the first point is moot anyway because every generation has stupid slang. Half the shit that was popular in the 80s would be pretty cringe these days

  • Trudge [Comrade]@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    As a millenial looking in, I think point 2 is due to the fact that you guys have even less wealth as a whole. You can’t afford to do anything besides be on your cellphone and play videogames.

    I and many other millenials were lucky enough to be able to go to concerts, clubs, travel, ski, etc. if we came from median income families in the west and went to college. Your gen, whether through the fruits of your own labor or from the support of your standard white/blue collar parents, cannot really afford that.

    We were able to blow $200 on a weekend for fun once in a while, but I don’t think most of your gen can do that anymore. Also the same activities are much more expensive these days so it’s more like $350 I imagine.

  • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    None of this behaviours was developed in a vacuum, these are all qualitative changes result from the development of society.

    I don’t know every single cause for these changes but i do know that people being addicted to social media comes from the lack of attention from parents and the surrounding community.

  • Kultronx@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    For point 3, I feel like Gen X helicopter parents are to blame… seen so many of my relatives spoiling and micromanaging their kids into young adulthood and i’m like wtf? I felt like I was basically raising myself at 14 as a middle millenial

  • CatrachoPalestino@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    I feel like there are more poignant things to notice about gen z and gen a like how they’re increasingly conservative, kind of like how gen x were more conservative than boomers

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Can your model explain why the generations are getting progressively more ass-hungry? Not a joke, even scientists have no clue why.

    • Mzuark@lemmygrad.mlOP
      8 months ago

      The way I see it, humans are naturally ass hungry. Big hips has always been a prized trait in a wife, but the last 100 years was all about Americans and Europeans pushing this idea that skinny as a twig is the most desirable a woman can be.