Hey all, seems like I’m going to be the first one to post here.

Give ya a little context, I’m 53 married to a wonderful bi wife. As we were talking one day I made a realization, I’m actually bi.

I love my wife completely, I have always found the woman’s body to be beautiful, but I got thinking about something. As I looked at my past years and even my recent years I have also been attracted to the male penis.

When I watch porn for example, I love watching the men cum. I enjoy watching the dick jerk as it pumps out that white juice and actually fantasize about that jerking dick in my ass and feeling the warmth inside as it releases it load.

Don’t get me wrong, I love watching the women spasm from their orgasms, yes I know most of it fake, but what’s not fake is watching that shot land on her naked body.

Any other guys feel the same? Women what are your thoughts?