I’m currently reading The Case for Space by Robert Zubrin and it’s really good. You can tell the guy dedicated his career and life to really thinking about how humans might live in Space, whether that be on the Moon, Mars or in the Asteroid Belt.

I recently read Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoğlu and that was also very good, it explained the shortcomings of other theories such as the geographic determinism espoused by Jared Diamond in Guns, Germs and Steel although I think Why Nations Fail was a bit repetitive at times.

  • FantasticFox@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    I know the Dyatlov Pass case but that sounds pretty interesting. Does he manage to find out any more about how they died? I understood it was thought to be


    exposure to the cold, which caused the paradoxical undressing, I can’t remember what caused the cold exposure orignally though as there was like a cut in their tent and stuff too, super creepy haha