• mozz@lemmy.sdf.org
    9 months ago

    I’m fairly irritated at myself to report that I just wasted half an hour of my life looking through Rand Paul’s report in detail, because I was curious how he managed to arrive at $900 billion dollars. I spent some time with Google Sheets and trying to de-obfuscate his numbers. I’ll cut to the punch line. It’s:

    • $659 billion in interest on the national debt
    • $236 billion in “improper federal payments” – basically, money that the federal government erroneously paid out to people it realized it shouldn’t have ever given it to in the first place. This number is, apparently, actually real, and I sort of agree with Paul that it sounds big enough to be a problem. I will note that the number went monotonically up all through the Trump years, up to a peak of over $300 billion, and monotonically down through all through the Biden years.
    • $851 million on all the rest of this culture-war bullshit aside from those two single line items

    Or, to put it in visual form:

    Everything in any news story, about Egypt or lobster tanks or transgender monkeys or whatever, is part of the orange slice of the chart.