Peter and Katie bygetoverit©

Peter and Katie were an odd couple. Not odd in the sense that they were odd together, but odd in the sense that they were odd individually.

They were both the skinny nerdy sort.

Peter was a curious guy. He was always asking questions even at a young age, he was sort of awkward and lanky. Like he never grew into his body. He had a ridiculously curly head of hair that grew comically away from his head. He was not a good-looking guy, but Katie encouraged him saying that to her he was handsome.

Katie was also a peculiar sort. She was constantly into her studies, and wanted her parents to be proud of her. She has had a self-esteem issue from a young age because of a stutter that she’s had developed when she was young. All of the kids would make fun of her for it, which is a shame because she has an otherwise pretty face, and a heart of gold. Her eyes are always sincere, and her lips full. She would often bite on them as a nervous tick, she liked to keep her light brown hair short, but not too short. She almost always wore skinny jeans, and an oversized hoodie, and with this hid probably the most peculiar thing about Katie. She has some of the largest breasts imaginable. She wore DD cups but no bra she had found so far could adequately contain those orbs. Katie thinks they are freakish on her skinny body, but Peter encourages her to be comfortable in her own skin, even though he has never actually seen the great mountains on her chest. They had decided long ago that they would save themselves for marriage.

They worked well together because they both experienced bullying, and helped each other to feel like there was good in the world.

Our story begins at the end of Katie and Peter’s high school career. Katie had just turned 18, and since she had gotten perfect grades her parents made good on their promise to fly her anywhere in the world she wanted. Loving culture and history and also wanting to have a good time she decided on Italy. At first her dad planned on taking her, but then Katie mustered up the courage to ask if Peter could escort her. They trusted Peter but didn’t know how he would handle himself if anything bad happened, but when they learned that Peter’s dad was good friends with a resort owner on the coast they changed their minds.

“I’m s-s-so exc-cit-t-ed Peter.” Stuttered Katie with a warm smile as she looked up at Peter.

“Me too!” Said Peter. “My dad said that the resort is basically an old mansion his friend redesigned. And since we’re getting here right before the big summer season we will be like the only ones there!”

After they checked in they were shown their room so the could unpack. The room was phenomenal. It was actually three big rooms, a main living area with a balcony that over looked the pool area, and beyond that the ocean. The other two rooms were a massive bathroom with a built in jacuzzi and a walk-in shower. The bedroom had only one massive king sized bed. When they got to this room Katie looked embarrassed down at her feet. When Peter noticed he touched her arm and said, “It’s okay. I can take the couch. It’s about the size of a regular bed anyway!”

After they unpacked Peter suggested they go check out the pool area.

“I’m n-n-not so sure.”

“Come on! We’re the only ones here! And I got you something.” Peter then went a grabbed a box from his luggage.

“Wh-what is it?” Said Katie really excited that Peter had thought to get her something. But when she opened it all excitement faded. It was a black two-piece swimsuit. Her worst nightmare. And she had to try it on or she might make Peter sad.

So Katie reluctantly agreed to the proposal, and they went to put on their bathing suits.

Peter put on his basic red and yellow swim trunks and waited. After about 15 minutes Katie came out with a towel wrapped around her.

“What’s going on?” Said Peter. “How does it look?”

“I-I-I’m not-t-t so sure Peter…”

“I’m sure it looks great!”

“Uhm I-” but her sentence was cut short, her towel got caught on a door handle and was pulled right off of her.

Peter’s jaw dropped as he stared in disbelief.

The top of the bathing suit just covered her massive tits and they were trying desperately to spill over. The bottom showing off just how long her legs were.

“You look… Really really nice.” Peter finally managed to utter trying to hide the growing problem in his trunks.

“Is it n-n-not t-too revealing?..” Said Katie.

“Like I said Katie. It’s just us. There’s nothing to worry about.”

When Katie and Peter got down to the pool the area was completely empty. They both jumped in and found a volleyball floating so they started hitting it back and forth. Every time Katie would jump up to hit the ball her boobs would make a dramatic motion all the way around her chest. Peter ended up so distracted he got hit in the face by a few of Katie’s passes, but she didn’t seem to notice his drooling over here. “Thank goodness my lower half is underwater,” Peter thought to himself. He really didn’t want to embarrass his sensitive girlfriend.

“You n-n-need to p-p-pay better att-tention Peter!” Katie laughed as he lost track of the ball again. At this point a middle-aged man with a mustache wearing a hotel worker outfit came outside to sit down on one of the pool chairs. Peter gave him a wave, but the man just ignored him and continued to relax. Katie was having such a good time she didn’t seem to notice the man’s presence.

Everything was going smoothly and they were having a great time when Peter hit the ball a bit to hard it went right over her head and rolled on the ground up next to the man’s chair. Katie got out of the pool to get it, but it wasn’t until she was already out of the pool that she saw the man relaxing. She turned to Peter and gave him an apprehensive look, but then started to creep slowly over next to the man to see if she could get the ball without waking him up. But right when she was about to pick up the ball she somehow became tangled up in her long legs and tripped causing her to fall right on top of the man, her massive tits smothering his face.

The man panicked and pushed Katie off of him so that she fell hard on her butt next to the chair. The man started yelling something in Italian and looked really really angry. Katie was stunned, she just sat there looking up at the man with her mouth open trying to say something but her nervousness got the best of her. As soon as Peter saw this he swam as fast as he could and got out of the pool to run to his girlfriends rescue.

As Peter approached the scene the man looked up at him and started yelling and pointing at him threateningly.

“Sir. Please try to calm down.” Said Peter cautiously approaching the man. “We’re just tourists staying her for vacation. We didn’t mean any offense.”

“Oh.” Said the man. “Well American punk. What will you do with this now. She caused me a big problem!” The man said in just broken yet understandable English.

“What are you talking about sir? I’m sure my girlfriend didn’t mean any harm. We’re both really sorry.”

“I-I-I…” Stammered Katie looking up in fear.

“You little slut! You make me like this right now!?” Yelled the man down at her face red with anger.

“Sir! Just calm down! What are you even talking about? What problem?” Said Peter trying to resolve the issue peacefully.

“Oh oh oh.” Said the man shaking his head. “I mean this problem.” And with one motion the man yanked down his shorts exposing a massive veiny dick that was now hovering inches away from Katie’s face.

“What the hell man?!” Peter yelled approaching the man trying to push him away, but the man didn’t budge. He just looked at Peter and with one great motion brought his hand back and smacked him across the face. Peter was down for the count laid out on the ground next to the pool chair. The man then put his foot on Peter’s face and lowered himself into the chair. The man’s cock was still sticking out at Katie and it looked like she was trying to scream but couldn’t. She was just frozen in that spot.

“Now. You want boyfriend to be okay? Then you take care of my big fat cock. Yes?”

It was then that Peter started to come to his senses. He tried wiggling out from under the man’s foot and yelling but the man just pressed down harder. Causing Peter to gasp in pain.

“I-I-I…” Katie finally managed to stutter but nothing else would come out. She just kept looking at Peter, then the man, then the man’s looming dick. She was freaking out.

“Here I show you like this.” The man grabbed the back of Katie’s head then started guiding towards his dick. “I-I-I…” Katie stuttered still unable to react, started going cross eyed watching the plump tip of the cock as it was slowly guided towards her mouth. “I-I-I!” Said the man mocking Katie, “Just quiet American slut.” And in on motion he guided his dick past her lips into her mouth.

All of the sudden Katie started freaking out trying to push away with her hands. The man thought she looked cute freaking out like that, wild eyed with his cock in her mouth, but he was not nearly done. He used one hand to grab both of her arms and held them behind her, and the other hand to force her head even further down his thick shaft.

Katie almost immediately started to choke and gag on the man’s cock, which caused him to laugh. He looked somehow extra sinister with his mustache, like a melodrama villain.

“Hey hey hey! Look up. At my eyes!” The man demanded.