• Riskable@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    It’s not my place or your place to tell other people what’s best for them.

    Actually, it is! It is our place to tell people what’s best for them because some things are objectively better and we can back up our positions with science. If you want to disagree with me that’s totally fine. Just know that by taking the opposite position here you’re arguing that it’s not our “place” to tell people things like:

    • Wash your hands after using the restroom.
    • Install smoke detectors in your home and replace the batteries when they beep (don’t just disable them).
    • Mixing chlorine and bleach can kill you.
    • Don’t drive like a maniac.
    • Get a science-backed education or you’re going to be useless/a drain on society.

    Society has a duty to tell people things like this. Especially children! We have to teach them “what’s best for them” because that’s how society works (“we live in a society”).

    When you say things like, “it’s not your place to tell other people what’s best for them” you’re basically making an argument that’s pro-disease at the very least and pro-death at worst.

    When a cop pulls you over for driving like a maniac are you going to argue with them, “it’s not your place to tell me how to drive!”?

    Progress marches on as we learn more about ourselves and the world. As our collective knowledge grows domains of knowledge become more specialized. So when a body of such specialists agree on something it is then their duty to tell us all “what’s best”.