New Subscriber Growth
Sexy - but not porn!, up 4.6% to 110, (9 posts, 5 recent)
deGenerative AI, up 3.8% to 176, (10 posts, 7 recent)
Active User Growth
Retro NSFW - pre 2000 NSFW, porn, erotic content, up 0.3% to 30, (223 posts)
Yiff - Furry Porn [
], up 0.1% to 16, (217 posts)
WomenWearingWatches, up 0.1% to 5, (59 posts)
Desirable Women, up 0.1% to 14, (115 posts)
Previously Featured in New Subscriber Growth
Double Penetration, up 0.7% to 114, (6 posts, 1 recent)
Bolted On Fake TIts, up 0.7% to 68, (10 posts, 3 recent)
Group Sex - Threesomes and moresomes!, up 0.6% to 596, (31 posts, 3 recent)
Reveals: boob drops, panty peels, etc, up 0.4% to 378, (21 posts, 5 recent)
NSFW, up 0.2% to 571, (23 posts, 8 recent)
nsfwgifs, up 0.2% to 2181, (51 posts, 11 recent)
Jiggle Fuck, up 0.2% to 442, (27 posts, 2 recent)
yesbum [
], up 0.1% to 706, (35 posts, 3 recent)
Violet, up 0.1% to 243, (18 posts, 3 recent)
Panties Coming Off, up 0.1% to 915, (244 posts, 12 recent)
Angel Youngs, up 0.1% to 259, (28 posts, 2 recent)
(Results are averaged over the past 7 days)
Oh. So it seems lemmynsfw is on 0.19 already (I had to change the bot a bit)