Welcome to SDF Chatter - a federated Lemmy instance

  • SDF@lemmy.sdf.orgOPM
    1 year ago

    We just made it past 1000 signups this morning. Nearly everyone joining had very thoughtful and meaningful explanations of why they want to try using this instance. It is an amazing time for the internet and we truly appreciate SDF being a part of this.

  • Dracula on a bike@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Hello. I’m someone who’s previously/currently had accounts with 2 other nonprofit Unix shell account providers similar to SDF since approximately 1996/1997, and first found out about SDF maybe 10 years later while looking for other email-account-provider options. Then, last year, I saw SDF’s Mastodon instance listed on joinmastodon.org, and decided to sign up for an account there… which eventually (thanks to the email announcement that was sent to users registered there) led me to this Lemmy instance.

    I suppose the main reason why I decided to sign up here is out of hope that ActivityPub/Fediverse will become similar to, but better than, the various types of discussion forum systems (Usenet/NNTP, mailing lists, mailing list archivers like Pipermail & MHonArc, phpBB/vBulletin-style web forums) that were popular in the '90s and '00s. Personal blogging/microblogging systems (Mastodon, etc.) aren’t an adequate replacement for newsgroups/forums, as far as I’m concerned; to paraphrase something I read elsewhere, too much of so-called social media is mostly about “look at me”, as opposed to “look at this” (i.e. organized by topic).

    (By the way: Lemmy currently seems to have some sort of incompatibility problem with QtWebEngine and/or the Falkon web browser. I initially tried to post this from Falkon, but the “Preview” and “Post” buttons were disabled even after typing some text, so I ended up posting this from Firefox instead.)

  • Ubuntu Peronista@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Hello SDF Lemmy! This is peron!

     \  \       \/                                 *
      \  \      |_|   From the Southern Cross
       \__\    /  /         I wish u all
      | |___| /  /      Happy Hacking
      -----  /  /            @SDF!      
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       ~     ~               .   *      
      \ _   _/              
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       |_| |_|   .                         *
       [ ] [ ]
      |  | |  |         .
      |  | |  |                     .
      |__| |__|
      /__\ /__\           .
  • Curious Canid@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Hello, everyone!

    I am a software engineer and consultant. I started out working in Assembly and Fortran, which will give you some idea of how long I’ve been around… These days I work for a company that provides internet solutions to non-profits. I love working with people who are trying to make the world a better place.

    I have always been a gadget geek and have unreasonably large collections of multitools, knives, flashlights, pens, and similar things. I also know more about things like metallurgy, LED technologies, and ink chemistry than I have any need for, but it all keeps me entertained.

    Ultimately, I like people. I’m something of an introvert, which makes it harder for me to make contacts, but I really enjoy talking with people. The extreme polarization of views we have at the moment is deeply disturbing to me, but I am trying hard not to hate the extremists as people, even while working to repair all the damage they are doing. I still believe that we have more in common than we do differences.

    reddit was my primary online community for well over a decade. Now that I no longer want to be there I’m grateful that SDF is helping to provide a better venue. And I appreciate the rest of you for providing a friendly community.

  • stravanasu@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Hi everyone. I’m just a very new member in the SDF family. Very new to the Fediverse too. Peace, Love, and Unix to everyone.

  • alchemist@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Hello, I’m somewhat in the SDF community already, even though I rarely come up on COM or BBOARD. I’m a developer by day and I am generally very interested in anything relating to programming, AI, cognitive science, and I’ve recently taken some interest on bare metal programming, SoCs and RISC-V stuff.

    You’ll also see me involved in some stuff relating to Plan 9 and, more recently also, Golang programming for Plan 9 on ARM.

    Looking forward to participating in SDF activities on Lemmy as well!

    • hamsteronvase@lemmy.sdf.org
      1 year ago

      I’m thinking of switching from php / node to golang for the server side. Did you have any good experiences with any gratis self-paced online ‘schools’?

      • alchemist@lemmy.sdf.org
        1 year ago

        Not really, to be honest – most of what I learned so far about Golang was from their website’s documentation and examples. It is not hard to learn in my opinion, especially if you also know some C (since you come from a PHP background, I assume you could manage Golang with a few tutorials). You should probably take a look at Go by Example to see for yourself.

        As for “schools”, I won’t recommend any simply because the only online courses I was recommended were paid ones, and they also did not seem to be extremely good. Furthermore, they were in Portuguese, which is my mother language.

        PS. I was also surprised at how Golang does some trivial stuff like connecting to databases. Did you know every database “connection” in fact works as/can work as a connection pool? You end up writing code as if you’re sharing a single connection between threads, but in fact, you’re not.

  • dctrud@lemmy.sdfeu.org
    1 year ago

    Hello, I’m dctrud (over at lemmy.sdfeu.org). I’ve been around SDF a bit since 2019… 15+ years after I initially joined (with a long forgotten login) at university. Software Engineer by day. I enjoy messing around with dance music on vinyl, walking, and sometimes cycling for fun.

    Since we moved back to Cornwall in the UK, after 11 years in Texas, it makes sense for me to be on SDFeu stuff, but will definitely see what’s up over here. Cheers!

  • goosey@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Hi I’m Willard. I’ve been on sdf a long time, been on mastodon.sdf…org since Before Covid.

    No clue what reddit was about, this is strange and different.

    trying the “connect” app as the JavaScript client seems a bit heavy for my 2017 era tablet, so now I’m doubly confused. 🤣

  • ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Hello SDF,

    Name’s Rosco. I’m new to Lemmy - and the whole Fediverse ecosystem as a whole. I’ve been interested for a while but hadn’t really done anything to discover it. I figured the Reddit debacle was a good opportunity to take the plunge: I recently nuked my old Reddit account, then created another one, then realized I was beating a dead horse.

    I’m new to SDF too. I didn’t know it before searching for a nice Lemmy server I’d feel at home on. As an old Unix hack, SDF is right up my alley.

    So here I am. Thank you for having me! I hope to contribute something of value on here.

  • feoh@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Greetings everyone! I’m new to the SDF but an old UNIX fart from wayback with a fascination for the intersection of art and computing and the creative applications of technology.

    Totally love the community and really appreciate all the hard work that goes into it! I hope to be able to help out as I get more familiar with the lay of the land.

    I’m a devops engineer with MIT Online Learning by day and I love tinkering with old computers, gaming, and spending time with my wife and our rescue pup by night :)

    Please take care and look forward to chatting with you all!

  • feoh@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago


    I joined the SDF a number of months back but got more involved about 2 months ago when I upgraded to a MetaARPA membership.

    One of the things I just adore about the SDF is that, as a new comer, it seems to emphasize the creative, artistic and social aspects of computing rather than being yet another place for entrepreneur culture mavens to try out their new side hustle :)

    I have nothing against making money, but I fell in love with computers in the 80s because they were bicycles for the mind, and I want people to remember that :)

    I’ve been stumbling around the Boston area for close to 40 years now. I adore old computers, reading anything and everything I can get my hands on including but not limited to science fiction, urban fantasy and science/history.

    It’s neat that MetaARPA members get PBX extensions - it would be neat to organize a voice chat every now and then if there isn’t one already!

    Thank you to everyone who helps make this happen. I look forward to figuring out how I can pitch in helping to continue to make this place awesome :)

  • RotaryKeyboard@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago
    Initializing kernel...
    Loading modules...
    Mounting root filesystem...
    Setting system clock...
    Detecting hardware...
    Configuring memory...
    Starting process scheduler...
    Setting hostname: RotaryKeyboard

    Greetings, programs! I’m RotaryKeyboard, freshly immigrated from the now-defunct lemmy.ninja. I’m happy to make sdf.org my new home!

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello!